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Seoul , 2026 , 10th December

The whole crowd cheered as the marriage was sealed with a kiss and the newlyweds grinned like they never have in their lives, and right after finishing the 'staring at each-other' part, both pair of eyes darted back to the front row, where a tiny little bundle of joy was giggling and jumping up and down on her Tae uncle's lap.

- ' Da..... Pap.. Papa.. Da... '
Taehyung shooted a bright smile at Jennie and nudged her tiny nose
- ' Yeah yeah...right princess! Your Dad and Papa finally tied the knots ! Let's go and ruin their moment , shall we? '
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh at that and Yoongi rolled his eyes
- ' That's exactly the thing you shouldn't teach her Taehyung! '
Tae pouted at that and Jennie's face dropped
- ' Taetae...shm..shmileee.. Tae... '
Grabbing his face with her tiny little hands, Jennie muttered this, melting her every uncle and aunty right on spot and Taehyung grinned brightly
- ' Taetae uncle will always smile when you're with him baby ! '
- ' And what else Taetae uncle did for this time being, Jenjen? I hope you're still our good girl or Taehyung has managed to teach you mischief? '
The group turned in front , from where Namjoon and Seokjin made their way towards the crowd, hand in hand.
- ' Ah Jin hyung! I will never do such thing... right Jen? Am I bad? '
Jennie knew nothing about the rest of the sentence but the word 'bad' seemed familiar to her and she shook her head immediately with doe eyes
- ' Taetae..no bad...good...good.'
Namjoon chuckled at his daughter and took Jennie in his arms
- ' We all are good here baby..and you're the best! '
Jennie giggled as her Papa planted a kiss on her soft cheeks
- ' Pap...papa... '
- ' Yes darling? You're tired right? '
- ' She must be... It's a long day Joon. '
Namjoon nodded at Seokjin as the elder patter their girl's head
- ' You wanna sleep Jendukie? '
Jennie knows very few words till now, but she knows what sleep means..and furiously shook her head with a hurt face
- ' No... No..sleep no! '
Seokjin sighed and checked his watch
- ' But it's 9 already Jennie..you didn't sleep the whole day. '
- ' Noooo....Da..nooo.'
The girl whined in Namjoon's arms and his parents exchanged glances. This is when Mrs. Kim's voice was audible from behind
- ' Let her enjoy a little you two! It's her fathers' marriage after all. '
Jennie giggled at the sight of her grandmother and the old lady hugged Seokjin and Namjoon together with a smile . They all have been waiting for this day so long...

After almost two years of that tremendous night, Namjoon and Seokjin tied the knots. In between, they've already legally taken the guardianship of the little girl. Yeah, the whole group and Kim family miss Ana and Kai way too much...but life never stops. It goes on even after shattering us .

It was indeed hard for them. Taking care of a six months old who lost her parents was something they never would have imagined... but they couldn't imagine anything else since that day. They were clueless...tired...messy , yet they never compromised Jennie's needs or happiness. Every single second they've protected their little one with all they got. And now this girl is their whole world. Nothing ever matters to them more than that cute little giggle when she sees her favorite humans .

A bit changes have followed the group as well. Hoseok and Ara settled down as married couple an year ago and Mr. Han lives with them now ...Jiwoo is dating a senior from her University....Taehyung is absolutely okay now... And Yoongi's parents are living with Yoongi and Jimin, planning their wedding as soon as possible.

They all have really spent so many years together!

- ' Sometimes...when I look back... I still couldn't believe everything that happened is real. '
Namjoon said, eyes fixed on the night sky and Seokjin sighed
- ' Hate it or love it...but everything really is true. '
Namjoon's gaze traveled back at the elder
- ' I don't hate any part of it except... '
He looked down and sighed...absentmindedly playing with his wedding ring and Seokjin laid his head on his shoulder
- ' I miss them too Joon... '
- ' They would have been so happy today.... right? '
Seokjin looked up at his husband and gave a faint smile
- ' They are...wherever they are..they must be very happy. '

Both went silent after that, just staring blankly at the night city from their balcony, until they heard a noise from outside their room , following a cry. Both of the men almost sprinted towards the door....knowing it's Jennie's voice.

- ' Appa? '
Mr. Kim was there , holding a crying Jennie in his arms, looking absolutely devastated
- ' No matter what we do...Jen just keeps crying. At this rate she'll be sick Joon. Very sorry... we didn't mean to interrupt you guys tonight - '
- ' No no Appa...I told you to let her sleep with us. That's her habit...she can't sleep anywhere else. '
Seokjin said, taking the little girl in his arms who was still crying her heart out
- ' Da...... Pap.... '
- ' Shh...it's okay baby..see .. Dad and Papa are here...calm down Jen...here are we..shhh... my good girl...please Jennie...don't cry? '
Seokjin constantly kept saying soothing words while Namjoon wished good night to his father and made their bed within some minutes.
- ' Here...let's go to sleep..shall we bub? '
Jennie stopped crying but clutched Seokjin's tee shirt and Namjoon's finger in her tiny fists like her life depends on that. Namjoon sighed and hugged her
- ' Sorry Jen...very sorry . We shouldn't have listened to anybody...sorry. Please don't be sad baby...Papa and Dad are sorry..they'll never do this again love...promise. '
Jennie didn't really understand much...only the fact that she somehow managed to come back to her comfort persons and now she can sleep. But still she didn't let go of the hold from her fathers, and they didn't mind either. Instead, both of them enveloped her into warm embrace from either sides and went to bed together.

- ' Good night husband. '
Seokjin couldn't help but smile at Namjoon's whisper
- ' Very good night husband. '

Only they and the universe know how badly they wanted to call each-other that...and that made them grin like fools.

Getting married and going to bed with their little girl in-between...

That's all they dreamt...

That's all they wanted.

And that's what they got.

Hoping that I made up for shattering your hearts on the previous chapter with this warm and comforting one.

We're almost done with the story.. Maybe a couple more chapters left.

Thanks for reading and voting 💜✨

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