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- ' Uh...where is he? How's he now? Oh my I too late? I'm right? I'm extremely sorry- Namjoon?! '
Seokjin halted on the doorway of Yoongi's house, eyes wide opened in shock as he looked at the man in the living room, who was equally shocked to see him as well.
- ' Seokjin?! '
- ''
- ' guys know each-other? '
Yoongi said, not realising the situation and Namjoon nodded several times
- ' Yes of-course! He's the one I was telling you about.....the shop-owner from yesterday night. '
Immediately Yoongi looked back at Seokjin as realisation hit him
- ' Oh!'re that guy he can't stop talking about!? What a coincidence!  Come...please come inside. '
Namjoon immediately glared Yoongi for the comment, but luckily Seokjin was too much confused to register Yoongi's words. He came inside the living room and Yoongi took him to the sofa
- ' Please sit down. '
- ' Uh... you... it wasn’t you who called me, right? '
Jin asked Namjoon after sitting down and he shook his head
- ' was Yoongi. I would've recognised you otherwise. '
Seokjin gave a slight nod
- ' But...what are you doing here? '
- ' Let me explain everything, okay? '
Yoongi butted in...and he described every details about yesterday night and the morning to Seokjin .

- ' Good lord! I always knew Uncle and Aunty were against it but....this?! This is....this is cruelty! '
Yoongi sighed, remembering how pathetic Jimin looked when he was shivering from his deadly nightmare.
- ' After I told everything to Namjoon...  he advised me to inform someone who's closer to Jimin...and then, we talked about it with him. He gave us two numbers, one was his bestfriend's, which unfortunately was not reachable... and the other was yours, who he mentioned as his big brother. That is when I called you and're here. '
Seokjin sighed hard and rubbed his face in frustration
- ' How can they do this to such a pure heart boy! He....he doesn’t deserve any bit of this. I can't even imagine what he's feeling right now.'
Yoongi and Namjoon exchanged glances, but said nothing. It was not their place to say anything, after-all.

After a while of silence, Seokjin looked up
- ' Can I see him? '
- ' Oh yes...of-course. He's probably asleep after having dinner. Come with me. '
Yoongi got up and Seokjin followed behind.
- ' There he is. '
Yoongi said, gesturing at a sleeping Jimin as he opened the door of the guest room and Seokjin looked down immediately, as if trying his best to hold back his overflowing emotions. Yoongi realised it and patted his back
- ' He'll be alright soon....atleast... physically. I've given all the medicines and bandaged his leg. '
With his head hung low, Seokjin whispered
- ' Thank you will be nothing for you.... but still... I'm grateful to you. I don’t even know what would've happen to him if you didn’t - '
- ' Don't mention it. It's my duty as a human...don't thank me for it. You can go and talk with him. '
Seokjin glanced at Jimin, and slowly shook his head
- ' No...let him be. He needs rest. I can talk to him tomorrow. '
Yoongi nodded as he closed the door behind
- ' I hope it won't be too much of a burden if he stays here tonight- '
- ' Oh please! I live alone in this whole house. It'll be really not a bit of problem.'
Seokjin gave him a thankful smile
- ' Probably I'll never be able to thank you enough. This world needs more people like you, Mr. Min. '
Yoongi frowned at that
- ' Hey that's not fare! My bestfriend is only Namjoon for you and I'm Mr. Min?! This is not right. '
Seokjin smiled at that
- ' bad. Yoongi. Better? '
- ' Totally. '
Yoongi smiled as well as they came back to the living room
- ' Now, I should get's getting late. '
Seokjin said, checking the time on his phone and Yoongi nodded
- ' Yeah sure. See you tomorrow morning? '
- ' Yes of-course! I'll be here by 8 to pick him up. '
- ' Cool. See you then. Good night. '
Seokjin gave a light smile to Yoongi before turning to Namjoon
- ' And looks like we keep crossing paths huh!? '
Namjoon grinned at that
- ' But I'm not complaining. '
- ' Neither me, too. '
Seokjin return the grin
- ' Good night guys. '
With that, Seokjin got up, and Namjoon got up as well.
- ' Hey man....where are you going? '
Yoongi frowned at Namjoon
- ' To my house of-course! Why?'
- ' You were supposed to stay at my place! '
Namjoon rubbed his neck awkwardly
- ' Uh...yeah...but...suddenly I remembered.. I...have a very important project to complete by tonight and my laptop is in my house. '
Yoongi raised his one eyebrow
- ' We don’t have any such project tomorrow Joon! You can't fool your secretary. '
Namjoon laughed awkwardly at that
- ''t know about this project! Okay bye. '
Without waiting for Yoongi's reply, Namjoon turned around...but stopped at the doorway, looking back at Seokjin who was amused by the entire conversation between two friends
- ' Uh...your house is really far from here. How'll you go back? '
Namjoon asked, trying to maintain a straight face but literally everyone can see the blush creeping on his face.
- ' I'm going to book a cab. '
- ' Oh... okay... know.... I came here with my car....and....I'll go back with'
Yoongi sighed and shook his head before walking up to them and facing Seokjin
- ' Basically he's trying to say he can drop you at your place if you want. '
Seokjin was totally entertained by then and flexed his bright smile at Namjoon after giving a light nod to Yoongi
- ' Only if you're really okay with it. '
- ' I am...I would be happy - uh... no I okay with it. '
Again smiling at the fumbling man Seokjin went outside
- ' Thanks Namjoon. '
- ' It's...alright. You helped me's my turn. '
- ' But you don’t have to do it because of that! '
- ' No No! I'm not doing it for that... I just...I...'
- ' He's doing it because he wants to Seokjin. Don't mind him and have a safe ride . '
Again, Yoongi butted in, making Seokjin laugh and Namjoon blush all-over again and Seokjin went outside to get into the car. Namjoon was also going behind but Yoongi stopped him right away
- ' Seriously Joon!? What the hell is wrong with you? Why on earth you're fumbling, blushing and doing all sorts of unbelievable things?! This is totally NOT the CEO I work with. '
Namjoon gave a confused and awkward smile
- ' Eh....I....don't know either. I just... '
- ' You just can't speak and behave properly infront of a man you met yesterday. Isn't that too much!? '
- ' I know...but.... I don’t know what happens with me-'
- ' Namjoon? You coming? '
They heard Seokjin and Yoongi patted Namjoon's back
- ' Go and fumble once more. '
Giving another awkward smile to Yoongi , Namjoon hurried towards his car.

- ' The weather is nice today...right? '
Seokjin said smilingly while looking at the night sky and Namjoon nodded
- ' doesn’t even look like it rained so badly yesterday. '
- ' Really! Yesterday was quite a night! '
Namjoon smiled, eyes never leaving the road
- ' question. '
- ' Yeah? '
- ' How do you know Jimin? I mean... you guys are really relatives or cousins-'
- ' Oh no no no...we're not cousins. But I consider him  as my own sibling. '
- ' Oh.. '
Namjoon said, sort of wanting Jin to continue the story and he did so
- ' I met him in Highschool. He's 3 years younger than they were freshers when I was in my senior class. '
- ' Hold on....they? '
- ' Oh...I didn’t metion Tae, right? Yup, along with Jimin, I met his bestfriend there....Taehyung. These two boys are now a part of my life. Both of them are like my own little brother. '
Seokjin said with a light smile and Namjoon smiled along. After a while, Namjoon heard a sigh and snapped his head towards Seokjin, who was smiling no more. Rather, a deep agony was visible in his eyes.
- ' Jin..?'
Namjoon almost whispered, slight worry ringing in his voice
- ' Hm...?'
- ' What happened? You look...'
With another sigh, Seokjin closed his eyes and laid back on his seat
- ' Nothing.... I just....I just can't imagine how much my Jiminah has faced in these past few days. You know what Namjoon? I even called him yesterday morning...and he didn’t say a word about this! Why he kept it from me?! I could've helped him... I could've....  I..'
Seokjin went silent, and Namjoon glanced at him sadly. He can feel how it feels if something happens to someone's brother. Though he's the younger one, still he loves his hyung more than anything.

- ' Hey. '
Seokjin opened his eyes and glanced at Namjoon, who's eyes were fixed on the road but mind was concentrated on him.
- ' I don’t know how much this will help... cause you know me for only one day... but still, I would like to say that...don't worry about Jimin. Yup, he has faced a lot....and maybe it'll take some time for him to recover from this wound... but he'll be fine. You'll be there for him from now on...maybe...his bestfriend will be there too. And not only you me, I know Yoongs. I've never seen him so genuinely worried for someone who's kind of a stranger. He's not going to sit and watch. He'll help him to get over this phase along with you guys. And I'm not going to just sit still and look pretty, either. Together, we can help him... and he'll be fine. He told me he's a model. He has a bright career infront of him and this one incident cannot ruin his entire life. '

After not getting any answer, Namjoon shifted his gaze towards the man besides him and at once his breath hitched for a moment. Seokjin was looking at him with shining eyes and a divine smile on his lips.
- ' You're...really good with words Namjoon. Thanks a lot...thanks for helping him till now and thanks for saying you'll be with him even afterwards . What your friend has done for him is unbelievable. I can clearly say you guys are good people without any evil intentions. Once again, thanks a lot...and this one is for cheering me up and driving me home. '
Seokjin said, pointing outside, and Namjoon realised they're infront of Seokjin's house. Once again, the fumbling and blush took over him
- ' Uh...mention not...'
- ' Good night Joon. Text me when you reach home safely. '
Namjoon's brain stopped working for a while, and when he finally realised what just happened, Seokjin already got down from his car and was opening the front door of his house. Before going inside, he looked back and waved with a smile, and somehow Namjoon managed to wave back.

On his way back home, only two things occupied his mind....

The lingering scent of Seokjin's cologne....and his words....

' Good night Joon. Text me when you reach home safely. '

" He called me Joon!? He really really called me Joon? "

Well well well...

Someone's crushing over a certain beautiful stranger huh?!

With this incident, let's see what turn the interrelations of the characters take in the further chapters!

Thanks for reading 💜✨

Leave a vote to tell Namjoon that yup, Seokjin really REALLY called him 'Joon'!

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