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- ' Today was pretty fun...right? '
Jungkook asked Taehyung with a bright smile as the elder smiled back slightly
- ' Yeah...the girls performed so well. And of-course... Hobi hyung was the cherry on the top. '
- ' Seriously man! They can be professional dancers any day. '

After the fest , this two were returning to Jeon mansion. Somi stayed back to celebrate the night a bit more with her two besties and planned to stay over at Jiwoo's place for the night , so it was only them in the car. Today was indeed a lot of enjoyment....something both of the boys needed badly. It's been almost a month after their acceptance of feelings...and ever since then, their life has been nothing but a rollercoaster ride. With all the treatment and medication going on, Taehyung was improving indeed, but only physically. He was becoming more and more mentally unstable with every passing days. Ana was trying her best and told them that this phrase is absolutely normal when someone tries to overcome alcoholism, but both Jungkook and Taehyung were confused, irritated and hurt in different ways. For Taehyung, he was always thinking he's becoming a burden to Jungkook and the boy is suffering only because of him. These all thoughts led him to utter guilt and frustation. On the other hand, Jungkook felt helpless for not being able to do something for the elder, which was driving him crazy.

Their love was far from sweet and beautiful. Rather it was complicated, messy and chaotic. Every single day they fought over something, they became angry and lose temper, and the end of the day, when slowly night approached, they fell asleep into each-other's arms ...becoming tired of everything. Yeah, they're a mess together , but the thought of not being together was messier to them. It was complicated and hard...they knew. But still they wanted each-other over everything else.

- ' Hyung.. '
Taehyung was gazing at the night sky when Jungkook whispered to him and he shifted his gaze towards the boy besides him .
- ' Hmm? '
Jungkook stared at the man for a moment before parking the car. It was almost midnight so the streets were not that crowded, especially the one they're driving on. There was not even a single car when Jungkook parked beside the road.
- ' What are you doing? '
Taehyung asked confusedly as Jungkook got down from the car and came to open the door of Taehyung's side. But Jungkook didn't answer. Instead, he opened the door with a smile and extended his hand
- ' The weather is beautiful. Perfect wind... beautiful night and empty streets. Wanna walk with me? '
Taehyung looked at the boy and then back at his waiting hand before sighing and taking it.
- ' Isn't it a bit too late for walks? '
Jungkook shrugged
- ' Maybe...yeah, for others it is late. But not for me who's got a prince charming to walk with ! '
Jungkook finished with a mischievous wink, which made Taehyung smile while blushing a bit. He still gets flushed when Jungkook flirts with him...because that's rare. Most of the time they're either fighting or saying sorry to each-other.

The wind was really blowing amazingly that night and stars looked a bit more bright on the cloudless dark sky while the moon was slowly spreading it's enchanting glow. It was indeed a beautiful night.

- ' Hey... '
Taehyung was so lost in the night that he was a bit startled at first when Jungkook gently called him, but gained his composer real quick.
- ' Yeah ? '
- ' The night is really beautiful right? '
Taehyung nodded and looked up
- ' is. Absolutely stunning. '
- ' But it's no match to your ethereal glamour. '
It took a moment for him to realize Jungkook actually said that, and when he did, he was a blushing mess which made Jungkook chuckle.
- ' What?! I'm telling the truth only ! '
- ' Shut up you cheesy dumbo ! '
Jungkook started laughing at that, and soon enough , Taehyung joined him. Laughing in the middle of an empty street at 3 of night or some may call morning, is not something the heartthrob actor has planned, neither did the talented artist. But there they were , laughing their heart out while the moon and and stars smiled back at them from the sky.

When they stopped to catch breath, both were looking flustered and probably a bit of lunatic too, but that was the least thing they cared about. The only thing that kept ringing in their minds was - how much they've missed this silly talks and endless laughter .

When both were sober again, Taehyung took both of Jungkook's hands into his own, staring at the younger with starry eyes and genuine smile. Yup, he can say a thousand words right now....but instead, he chose to get lost into the younger's brown ocean eyes. Jungkook also didn't look away or said something. Both were there, just basking in the moment slowly while holding hands.

- ' '
That's all Taehyung managed to mutter and Jungkook shook his head
- ' For what ? '
- ' For this laughter...for this night...this walk... this conversation and...for holding my hand... even when I'm on my lowest. '
Jungkook could practically see the overwhelming emotions on Taehyung's eyes, so he just pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around the elder's torso
- ' You're still my dreamboy when you're on your lowest hyungie...never doubt that. '
That's when Taehyung lost it and buried his face into Jungkook's neck as tears started flowing . This is what happening for the past month . He has become an emotional mess, unable to control any of his emotions. He knew he was not this weak...but...he just couldn't help it.

Jungkook just pulled him closer and patted his head gently
- ''s okay're okay. Soon you'll be totally fine. You're almost there... just a bit more patience. You can do it..of-course you can. '
This just made Taehyung clutch him a bit tighter as he muffled
- ' But I can't without you. '
- ' And who on earth told you we'll not be together!? '
Jungkook slowly distanced himself and cupped Taehyung's face into his palms
- ' Maybe times are hard right now... maybe... we're going through a lot and sometimes it seems like it will be impossible to make it... but always know one thing, and that is... Kim Taehyung , I can't.. I just can't walk away from you or unlove you. You're like...a part of me... a thread that is so much tangled up with my soul that I can never go to other way, and I don't want to. Life is easy and complicated both hyung. Trust me...all this things will be worthy. And if I started everything, I'll end it too...together... with you. You'll never be alone in this journey. Maybe yeah....sometimes we fight bitterly and I'm truly sorry for that..but I mean not a single harm to you....please know that. '
- ' But it's my fault . It's me who always wants to stop the medicines or the counciling...or it's me who becomes a brat and wants weird things! '
- ' But I can be a bit more cool too, right? I can try to keep my patience and calm while handling the situations. But I don't do that.....and hyung... I'm really..very very sorry for that. '
- ' You don't have to be Koo... I.... I'm not mad at you. I'm never mad at you. It's just...sometimes I lose control over everything and have no idea what I'm doing. I... I'm trying but I don't know what happens. '
Jungkook sighed and softly caressed Taehyung's cheek
- That's normal in your'll gradually be okay again. Till then , we have to stay strong. We'll be fine hyung...just a bit more time. '
Taehyung silently looked at Jungkook's eyes for a moment before whispering
- ' We'll be together right? I don't wanna lose you Koo... '
- ' Neither do I hyungie...and we'll not. We're together...and we'll be. Always. '

The assurance of his words, the truth of his gaze and the warmth of his touch made Taehyung believe everything he said. He slowly got closer and layed down his head on Jungkook's shoulder as the younger wrapped his arms around him once more. This was the night they needed to keep let each-other know that maybe it's hard, but they ain't giving up on love so easily. After all, they're such stubborn boys since childhood!

Maybe....we all need a pause in life to think straight and to make sure that yes, we'll do matter how hard it seems.

As the actor has become an emotional wreck, the artist is doing everything to keep him and their relationship on track. Will they succeed?

Keep reading to find out ! 👀

And, and , and.....

Guess what?


I can't believe it did 🥺😭💖💘 You guys are the best, really ! Thanks for all the support and love . I'll try my best to keep up with your love💖

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