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When Ivan first told me I composed myself and acted like I wasn't in immense pain from it, but Tyson didn't deserve to die. Especially since we're so close to finding the cure. I sigh and turn on my side. I fall asleep slowly, just to forget today's terrible events.

~One Year Later~
~Jade's P.O.V.~
Ash hasn't woken up yet. The cure worked and we cured the world. We sent the cure out all over the world. Ash was moved to a real hospital. The hospital I work at now. The world has gone back to the way it was and lots of people have scars from being mutants, but that's a normal thing now. I just hope Ash wakes up soon. They're thinking of pulling the plug on her.
I walk down the hall to check on Ash. I do this on my breaks at work. I go chat with Ash for awhile. I know the conversation is one sided, but I hope she hears me.
I sit in a chair next to her. "Hey Ash," I smile. "I want you to wake up. You'll enjoy the new world. We've cured almost everyone and things are pretty much back to normal. I want to know if you're still in there. Give me a sign. They're planning on pulling your plug soon. Give me a sign you're still here," I say grabbing her hand. I feel a faint squeeze. "Ash!" I exclaim. "I felt that! Do it again!" I say excitedly. She squeezes my hand again a little harder.
~Ash's P.O.V.~
"I want you to wake up. You'll enjoy the new world. We've cured almost everyone and things are pretty much back to normal. I want to know if you're still in there. Give me a sign. They're planning on pulling your plug soon. Give me a sign you're still here," Jade says. I try everything. They can't pull the plug on me. I've been trapped too long for that shit. I feel her grab my hand. I try with all my might to squeeze it. I do a little bit. "Ash!" Jade exclaims. "I felt that! Do it again!" I squeeze her hand a little harder. I can practically hear her excitement. I try to open my eyes. eyes it doesn't work at first. I try harder than I've ever tried at anything before. I feel them move a bit. Then they fly open. I see Jade with a smile on her face. "Ash!" she screams and hugs me. "Great to see you too," I say in a raspy voice. I guess that happens if you.haven't talked in a while. Wait, how long was I in a coma? "I'll go get your doctor," she says and runs out.
She comes back in a few minutes later. He smiles. "You're awake," he says shocked. I smile and nod. "How do you feel?" he asks. "Better than ever," I say, my voice still raspy. "My throat hurts though," I say. He nods. "Jade, why don't you go get her a bottle of water," he suggests. She nods and walks out.
"This is miraculous. We thought you woul wouldn't up," He says. I nod. "I thought so too," I say. "Were you aware you were in a coma?" he asks. I nod. "I heard everything," I say. Jade comes back in with a bottle of water and a sandwich. "I thought you'd be hungry too," she says handing it to me. I gulp the water down in one sitting. I take a bite of the sandwich then suddenly feel sick. "I feel sick," I state. "Yeah. That'll happen. You didn't eat much when you were out and your stomach got used to it," he states. I nod. "When can I leave?" I ask. "We'll check you out after you're done eating and we'll have Jade bring you home," he states. I nod.
They give me a checkup, I get my stuff, and Jade drives me to my apartment. Luckily I lived in Atlanta. I walk into the building. "It's like nothing happened," I say. "Yeah, everyone did a marvelous job cleaning up the destruction," Jade says. I pull my apartment key out of my backpack. "You still have that," Jade laughs. "Yeah. I'm not sure why exactly," I state. We ride up the elevator to the third floor. I unlock the door. The whole apartment looks untouched. I see my cell phone sittingon the counter. Yes! "Did they redo the whole apartment?" I ask. "No. You're apartment must not have had any visitors," she laughs. "Guess not," I say and walk into my bedroom. "So what happened with the others?" I ask sitting on my bed. "Will is getting married," she says. I look at her in disbelief. "Samira?" I ask. "How did you know her name?" Jade asks. "I heard every word you said," I say. She nods. "Ivan has a girlfriend and is living in Michigan now," she says. "Good for him," I say. "Tyson?" I ask. She looks at her feet. "He didn't make it," she says. I nod knowing she won't want to elaborate on it. "Macie and Kendall?" I ask. "They didn't come into the CDC with us and just kind of disappeared," she says. "So, Will's getting married," I say sadly. "Yeah," Jade sighs. "I know you're sad now, but-" I look over at her and cut her off. "I'm not sad," I state. She looks at me in disbelief. "You aren't?" she asks. "If he likes Samira I can't do anything about it. Especially if they're getting married," I say plainly. On the outside it seems that I don't care, but on the inside, I'm both crying and punching walls. Jade looks over at me. "I should get back to work," she says. I nod. "I'll see you later then," I say. She waves and leaves.
I sit on the bed and sigh. "Will's getting married," I say. "Will. Is. Getting. Married." I get up from my bed and take the elevator to the top of the building. I stand at the edge looking out at the city.

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