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"What?!" we angrily yell at the same time. She points. We look at what she's pointing to. There is a group of mutants slowly approaching us. "Shit," I say.
The mutants start approaching faster now. I grab my machete which is the only weapon I can actually use, considering a bow takes two hands. The mutants get close enough to pounce on us. I have my machete. Will has a shotgun. Kendall has a pistol. Macie doesn't have a weapon. "Macie how are you going to fight?!" I ask. "I don't know!" she exclaims. The mutants grow closer. "You any good at archery?" I ask giving her my bow and cutting the head off of a mutant. She uses my bow well. Will and Kendall are off in their own little land shooting all of the mutants.
When all the mutants are dead, we go up the driveway. "Here, Ash," Macie says handing me my bow. "Thanks," I say taking it and putting it back over my shoulder. Everyone goes in the house, but I stay on the porch. I sit on the steps and think. I sit there for at least ten minutes just contemplating whether to go inside or not. I get up and walk back down the driveway. "Hey!" someone say grabbing my shoulder. I turn around. Will stands there looking down at me. "What?" I ask. "Stay here," he says. "I don't want to," I say plainly. "Why?" he asks looking at his shoes. "I can't. When I'm around all we do is fight," I say. "Then, I'll leave and you can stay," he offers. "No. You're more help to this group than I am," I say. I turn around and start walking. Will walks beside me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "If you're leaving so am I," he says. "No you aren't," I say. "Well, if you leave then I'm leaving," he says. "You don't even have your stuff," I say. "I don't care. If you're leaving, I'm leaving with you," he says. I stop. "You're staying here," I say angrily. "Nope," he says. "Go back," I order. "No," he says getting in my face. I pull my machete out of its sheath. I hold it up to him. "You won't hurt me with it," he says. "How do you know?" I ask. "Because you couldn't handle killing another person," he says, but immediately realises his mistake. "Another?" I ask quietly. I sheath my machete and run down the driveway. "Ash!" Will calls running after me. "Ash please stop!" he yells. I just Sprint faster. "Ash I'm sorry!" he shouts. I just keep running. "Ash," he says. "Watch out!" he yells. A car hits me, I fly right over the windshield, and tumble over the car. I land behind the car and it just speeds away. I groan in agony. Will runs over to me and leans over me. Everything starts to fade away. "Ash, stay awake," he says. I can't. I slowly close my eyes.
I can't open my eyes. I'm awake, but I can't open them. I try to move my arms. I can't do that either. I can't move any part of my body. "Ash," a voice whispers. It sounds like Will. "Ash. You were asleep for a while week," he says. "You need to wake up. Everyone's devastated. You need to wake up soon," I hear a sound of crying. "I-I'm sorry for those things I said. If I hadn't said them you wouldn't be in this mess," he sobs. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. I try to comfort him by squeezing it back, but I can't. "Will," someone says. "What, Jade?" he asks. "Can I speak with you?" he asks. "S-sure," he says. I hear the door shut and I'm trapped in my own mind. The door opens, then shuts again. Someone grabs my hand. "Ash, it's Will again, we need you to wake up. If you don't I don't know what I'd do," he says sadly. He gets up and walks out.

"Ash, it's Will, you've been in a coma for a month now and our group us starting to break down. You brought the joy. We all need you. I'm not sure how long we can hold on to you," he says. "I'm here, Will! Why can't you hear me?!" I scream. "Jade needs you. Ivan needs you. Macie needs you. Even Kendall and Tyson need you. More importantly I need you," he says getting up and walking out.

"Ash, it's Will, we have to pull the plug this week. I'm so sorry," he sobs. "No don't! I'm here!" I roar at him. "We're pulling the plug on Friday," he says. "I'm running out.of tears for you," he says. "We need you back," He says.

"Ash, it's Will, and today is Friday. We're pulling the plug once the sun goes down. Please wake up," he says. "I can't! I would if I could! I'm in here please don't pull the plug!" I scream.

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