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We pull up to the CDC building. It seems to have people actually here. What were you expecting? I smile. We're finally at the CDC and we're going to find this cure.
I shut the car off and get out. Everyone gets out except Jade, who's staying with Ash. We walk up to the building to the massive door. I knock. There's a camera pointed at us. "Who are you?" a man's voice rings from a small intercom. "We're here to help you find a cure for the mutant virus," I state. "How could you people possibly help?" he sneers. "I'm immune to mutant bite," I say. "Prove it," he orders. I show him the bites. "How old are they?" he asks. "At least a few months," I say. The door unlocks and a man appears. "Welcome to the CDC. I'm Dr. Caldwell," he says. "I'm Will. This is Ivan, Kendall, Macie, Samira, and Tyson," I introduce. "You need anything from your vehicles?" he asks. "Yeah, uh, actually we have a comatose member of our group and another girl. "Bring them in. We'll take care of the comatose one," he says.
I lay Ash on a bed and let a doctor tend to her. She'll be fine, I reassure myself. "Will!" someone calls. "Dr. Caldwell," I say. "We'd like to do some tests with your blood," He states. "Oh alright," I say following him to a very large room with at least six other doctors. "I'm just going to take some of your blood and mix it with a mutants and see what happens," he says and sticks the needle in my arm. I hiss in pain. I've always hated needles. "Done," he says pulling the needle out and putting a bandage on.. "Alright I'll send for you when I have some results." he says. I walk to the room I share with Ivan and Tyson. Macie and Kendall share a room, and Samira and Jade share a room. I sit on my bed and sigh. I decide to go see Ash. She's still lying there, motionless. I pull a chair up next to her.
"Hey Ash,"I begin. "It's Will. I haven't spoken to you in a while, by myself anyways, I just want you to know that we aren't pulling the plug anymore. We're at the CDC and trying to find a cure. I want you to wake up, Ash," I say. I hear a door open. "Oh I'm sorry," a woman says. I turn around. Samira is standing there. "Oh. That's fine,"I say with a smile. She smiles back. "You want to go for a walk?" she asks. "Sure," I say. I put the chair back in it's original spot and walk out with Samira.
We talked for awhile, just walking around the huge place. Turns out she's really cool and we have a ton in common. "Will," someone calls. I turn around. "We have some results," a doctor says. I nod. "I'll see you later, Sammy," I say. She smiles and nods.
I walk into Dr. Caldwell's office. "You got some results?" I ask. "Yeah," he says. He puts to small circular dishes with blood in them infront of me. "This on is your blood," He says pointing to the one on the left. "And this is mine,"he says pointing to the right one. "You see yours didn't react with the mutant blood I mixed in it. It stayed the same. Mine on the other hand, did this," he says pointing to his. The blood looks all clumpy and it looks more red than regular blood. Like maroon. "So what does this mean?" I ask. "You really are immune and we want to start developing a cure," he says. I nod. "We need some more blood though. About a pint," he says. "Okay," I say sitting in a chair and holding my forearm out. He pokes the needle in I suck air in and close my eyes. He pulled the needle out. "See that wasn't that bad," He says. "For you," I joke. He laughs and puts a bandage over where the needle poked in. "Alright you're free to go," he says. I get up and walk out of his office. Ivan comes down the hall. "Will," he says. "What's up?" I ask. "We need to have a guy's day. Me, you, and Tyson," He says. "Sure. Sounds like fun," I say. We walk to the cafeteria and get some food. Tyson shows up a little later saying he had to take care of something. Tyson sits next to Ivan. "So, what are we doing on this "guy's day?" I ask using air quotes. Tyson shrugs and looks at Ivan. I hear an explosion come from outside. I grab my pistol and run outside. Both of our groups vehicles have been blown up. I see a person running away. I couldn't catch up in time. I point my pistol, aim, and shoot them in the leg. They fall to the ground. I run over to them. "Who are you?!" I scream. They look at me and say nothing. They clutch their leg and hiss in pain. "Who. Are. You," I growl. "My-my names-s Har-Harley," they say. I pull off their hood. Long light brown hair falls out. She's definately not the prettiest girl I've ever seen. "Why are you setting things on fire?" Ivan asks. "I-I was just-" she stops. "Talk," I say putting the gun to her forehead. She looks at me, smiles deviously, and passes out from blood loss. "We can't bring her inside," Tyson says. "So what do we do?" I look at him then back down at Harley. "We kill her," I say simply. Ivan and Tyson look at me like I'm insane. "We can't have her try to burn anything else," I say. They reluctantly nod. I put my pistol up at her head and pull the trigger.
Once we're back inside, Samira walks up to me. "Hey," she says. "Hey, Sammy," I say. She smiles when I call her Sammy. "Let's go for a walk, since we didn't get to finish talking earlier," she smiles. I nod. We walk down the hall and she pulls me into a room. She pulls me close by the shirt collar and kisses me.

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