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I heard a low growl come from upstairs. It sounded like a wooden door was smashed. I heard the sound of running. I saw something pounce at me. It landed on me, I fell back and my head hit the ground. My vision faded into black.

I sat up quickly. My head started pounding. Where am I? What am I doing here? I started to panic. "Woah, easy, Ash," Will said. I started to remember the events of yesterday. "What happened?" I asked rubbing my head. "Nic turned and came after you," he said. "Did he?" I asked not really wanting to know. "No, but if I had been a second later, you would have," he said. I sighed relieved that he didn't bite me. There was a knock on the door. Alex walked in with a tray in her hands. She set it on my lap. "Thank you," I said. She smiled and said "Eat. You need it." I looked down there was a bowl of soup on the tray and a spoon. She handed me a bottle of water. "Hot soup? How did you-?" I asked. "Propane stove," she replied smiling, then walked out. "Eat," Will said. "I'm taking you out to see how well you really handle your bow," he said. I nodded. I dipped the spoon into the soup and took a bite, savoring it.

Will and I walked to the backyard, where a target was set up. I smiled. I haven't shot at a target that wasn't a monster in a long time. I used to shoot with Christian all the time. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes. I quickly stopped thinking of Christian. I nocked the arrow and pulled it back. I took a deep breath and looked down the arrow towards the target. I let the breath out and released. A bullseye. Will looked surprised. I smiled. "Luck," he said. "Do it again," he ordered. I nocked another arrow. Another bullseye. He looked at me. "How do you shoot so well?"he asked. "I used to shoot with my brother all the time. He was the one who taught me how to shoot," I said. "Well, your brother's sure good at teaching how to shoot then," he beamed. I smiled sadly. I hated thinking about Christian. "Oh I'm sorry. He must be-" I cut him off. "Its okay. You didn't know," I said. "Let's go back inside," he suggested. I nodded. We walked inside. I set my bow on the porch and swung the door open. I walked in and sat at the table. Alex and Megan looked at me. "Did I interrupt something?"I asked. "No no, it's fine," Alex said. I nodded. "Alright then," I said. Will stood at the counter sharpening a knife. Ivan ran down the stairs. Will turned around. "What is it?" Will asked. "Look out the window," Ivan breathed out. I stood up and looked out the window. Mutants were standing in the field. There must have been at least fifty. "We can't take all of them on," Alex said. "She's right," Will said. "Shut the lights off and make sure everything is boarded up," Megan ordered. I ran upstairs and made sure all the windows were boarded up. I cam back downstairs. "Com'on Ash," Ivan said leading me into the basement with the others. We went into a small room that had concrete walls. There was a small window for escaping. I unsheathed my machete. Will had a pistol with him. Ivan had a shotgun. Alex and Megan both had long knives. The mutants were banging on the front door.

When the finally broke down the door, you could hear them walking around the house. "What are we gonna do?" Megan asked quietly. "Just stay quiet. They can hear us," Will whispered. He grabbed a notepad and wrote something down on it. He show it to us. It said Here's the plan, we're going to escape once they are all in the house. The car is right outside and we can get to it. We all nodded. "What about our stuff?" I asked as quietly as I could. "Forget about it. We'll never be able to fight all of them off," he said.

The walking stopped upstairs. Running was the next thing I heard. The mutants started banging on the basement door. My heart was racing and my adrenaline started pumping. Will started helping Megan through the window, then Alex. He motioned for me to go through the window next. He tried to help, but I grabbed onto the bottom of the window and pulled myself up. Ivan came through next. No Will. "Get to the car," Ivan ordered. Megan and Alex headed straight for the car and hopped in. I jumped up on the porch and grabbed my bow and quiver. I sheathed my machete. "Go to the car, Ash," he said. "No. You go to the car I'll wait for him," I said. "Suit yourself," Ivan said running to the car. Will still hadn't come out. "Will?" I asked. "I'm coming, but if I stop holding the door they'll get through," he said struggling to hold the door shut. I heard the mutants growling on the other side. He let go of the door and the mutants poured into the room. Will hopped out of the window. I slammed the window shut. We ran to the car and got in. Will pulled out of the driveway as fast as he possibly could without killing us. I guess good things can't last forever.

InsanityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon