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"Ash, it's Will, and today is Friday. We're pulling the plug once the sun goes down. Please wake up," he says. He lays his head on the bed and sobs. "I can't! I would if I could! I'm in here please don't pull the plug!" I scream.

~Will's P.O.V.~
The sun was starting to set. I was still sitting in Ash's room right next to her. Jade and Ivan walk in with grim looks on their faces. Macie, Kendall, and Tyson look in from the doorway, not wanting to disturb the sad moment. Jade looks at me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Will," she says. "I-I can't. Ash is alive. I just know she is," I say. "Will, she'll suffer if we keep her like this," Ivan says. I sigh and slump into a chair. Jade went back to what she was doing. I have to do something! "Wait!" I exclaim. Jade stops and looks over to me. "Ash and I... We were going to the CDC when we said we were just going on a week trip for supplies," I admit. "What does that have to do with anything?" Ivan asks. "We were going there to find a cure for the mutants," I say. "How would you have found a cure? I mean, neither of you were scientists," Jade says. "I'm immune to the virus," I say showing them the bite marks. Ivan rushes over and touches one. "Not make-up," He states. He studies them a but more and says "Definitely not fresh either." Jade looks at me in shock. "Why didn't you tell us?" she asks. "Because if I told you, you would be all up in my business and I didn't want to give you false hope that we could find a cure," I say. They nod. I look over to where Macie, Kendall, and Tyson were standing. They were gone now. Must've decided that this wasn't their concern. "Maybe we can continue to the CDC and get more supplies to keep Ash alive and we could help with a cure," I state. Jade and Ivan nod.
We packed our stuff and got in two separate cars. Jade, Ash, and I in one. Macie, Kendall, Ivan, and Tyson in the other. I lay Ash across the backseat and make sure she's comfortable. Jade sits in the passenger seat and looks over at me. "Let's go," I say starting the car and driving down the driveway.
We were only an hour or so drive away from the CDC in Atlanta. I pull into the parking lot of a weapon shop. "Stay here with Ash," I tell Jade. She nods and looks at Ash sadly. Ivan gets out of the other car. "What are we doing?" he asks. "Can't be too careful. We need more weapons," I say. Ivan, Tyson, Kendall, and I go into the store. I pull my gun and walk slowly around the store checking everything out. I see something run past the end of an isle. I slowly walk toward it. It climbs onto a tall shelf and sits there. I sigh. I start climbing, gun in hand, and held tightly. I climb to the top and point the gun. "Don't shoot!" a skinny girl exclaims. I lower the gun slightly. "Who are you?" I ask. "S-Samira," she says. I lower the gun all the way and study her. She's got dirty blond hair and blue-green eyes. She's wearing a sweatshirt that's a few sizes too big. She doesn't seem to have any weapons -surprising since we're in a weapon store- and she doesn't seem to pose any threat. "I'm Will," I say climbing all the way up. She flinches back. "I won't hurt you, as long as you don't hurt me," I say. She smiles. "I won't," she says. "Com'on you can come with us," I say with a smile. We climb down and walk over to the rest of the boys. "What'd you boys find?" I ask. "Lots of stuff," Ivan says looking at Samira. "What'd you find?" he asks. "A new group member," I say. "This is Samira. Samira, this is Kendall, Ivan, and Tyson," I say pointing to them. I look down at all the weapons they grabbed. It occurs to me that Jade hasn't had a weapon besides a knife. I grab a pistol. I'll give it to her later. "We should get going. We can get there by sundown if we leave now," Kendall says. I nod. We grab the weapons and walk out. Samira stays in the store. I walk back in. "You coming?" I ask with a smile. "I wasn't sure if I should or-" she says and trails off looking at her shoes. "Com'on," I say walking out. She follows behind me. "You can ride with them," I say pointing to Ivan's car. She nods. I get in my car and hand Jade the pistol. "What's this?" she asks. "Your new pistol," I state staring the car.
We pull up to the CDC building. It seems to have people actually here. What were you expecting? I smile. We're finally at the CDC and we're going to find this cure.

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