(𝗦𝟰) SIXTY-NINE | The Ultimate Challengers.

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"I can't count how many times Nishinoya's cheered me up." Hideaki thinks to himself.

"Because you have me guarding your backs."

"What am I supposed to say to him?" Hideaki wondered.

"Noya-san— Whoa!" Tanaka was caught off guard when Nishinoya started doing push-ups.

"What's he doing?"

"The hell?"

Nishnoya soon stood back up as he inhaled. Atsumu chuckled. "That guy's the best." He commented.


Atsumu did his jump float serve, aiming it right for Nishinoya again who quickly dives down and receives it.

"Yes!" Shimada cheered.

"Follow up!" Takinoue shouted.

"Cover!" Daichi said.

"That was a weak receive!" Nishinoya exclaimed.

"Hideaki-san!" Tanaka called out, receiving the ball over towards the ace.

Hideaki charged forward and jumped up as Osamu and Suna jumped up to block him.

"I'm not gonna be able to hit it that hard." Hideaki thought as Atsumu saved the ball.

"He went for the setter!"

"The first to touch the ball is Miya Atsumu!"

"At the same time, Miya Osamu is right under the ball!"

Osamu sets the ball towards Suna, who jumps up to spike. "He's not even a setter and he pulled off a C-pass?! On a counter, too!" Daisho thought in shock.

"He's covering for his twin." Sugawara noted as Tsukishima jumped up to block.

"That's within expectations." Tsukishima thought.

Both Atsumu and Osamu widened their eyes. "Got him." Lev thinks to himself.

The ball went straight past Tsukishima and landed in front of Tanaka as Tsukishima looked back.

"The one who just got the ball up wasn't the setter. It was Miya Osamu!"

"Nice kill." Osamu praised, giving Suna a high five.

"Nice toss."

"What was that just now?" Lev questioned. "He totally had that block."

"Don't worry. You're a great blocker." Suna told Tsukishima before walking away.

"Jackass." Tsukishima mumbled.

Inarizaki now had 17 points while Karasuno still had 7.

"They got another one."

"What's up with Suna-kun? He wasn't standing out much on offense at first, but is he getting into his groove?"

"Rintaro starts off slow. And I'll have you know... He knows how to control the opposing team's blockers. Rintaro's weapon is his wide contact point from side to side. If a normal guy's range is about this much, Rintaro's range is about this much. When he spikes, he doesn't just use his arm or his shoulder. He uses his whole upper body. His core. Since he uses his whole upper body, his spikes stay powerful. It's completely different from just lightly tapping on the ball."

"I don't really get it... But basically, when he's about to get blocked, he somehow gets through the block. It's happened a few times."

"Oh, and what about him controlling the blockers?"

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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