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Do u guys think I'm talented?

I remember a poem I wrote when Barnabas had just dumped me. 

My heart, my poor heart,
Which is broken in two 
My heart, my poor heart,
Which is broken by you
I thought you loved me, but I’ve been wrong 
Now I’ll be alone, my whole life long

Barnabas found it and again he explained why. I could only cry. 

'Barney… did it mean anything to you?'

'Of course it did,' he responded. 'Did you think that it was fun to tell you?'

'No,' I whispered.

'But the memories will always be there,' he told me. 'Please don’t cry, Venus. It hurts me to see you like this.'

I cried even harder. 'Why did you have to do this? You know I love you…'

'Venus, please,' he groaned. It sounded annoyed.

'Sorry, Barnabas,' I whispered. 

He pulled me close and gave me a hug. 'Ssh, my love. Don’t cry. I’m here.'

He looked at me. He then took my hand and stroked it. 

'You look amazing,' he told me. He leaned in and kissed me. With a lot of passion.

I was dumbfounded. Barnabas wrapped his arms around me and even started to rub up against me. 

'You're so fucking delicious,' he whispered in my ear.

'Barnabas… Marry me,' I whispered. 'Marry me! Please!'

'I can't, my dear.'

'I don’t care… I want you to be my husband! Marry me!'

He got up. 'I don't know what to do with you anymore.'

'Is that an offense?'

'Venus, get over it. We can't be together! Never ever! Okay?' He raised his voice.

'Barnabas…' I whispered softly. 

'Are you gonna cry again, huh? Crybaby!' He yelled.

'Why so mad?' I asked.

'Then you’ll finally listen,' he growled. 

'You just kissed me, and now you're blaming me for it…' 

I felt a hard slap in my face. What? He had hit me! I looked up at him in fear. My cheek was burning from the slap.

'You hit me…' I whispered softly. 

'Shit,' Barnabas said. He kneeled down and touched my cheek. 'Let me see. Does your cheek hurt a lot?'

I nodded. Barnabas gently stroked my cheek. It calmed me down.

Sorry this chapter is so short...

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