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I also remember one time where we were almost caught by our parents. It was hard to get rid of the evidence, but we somehow succeeded.

We had been making love again and now we were laying in his bed. I was laying on my side with my face on his chest. Barnabas had practically exploded inside of me, so he was still out of breath. 

‘We’re just like animals,’ I said. 

‘Maybe,’ he responded.

I ran my hand down his strong, muscular, masculine chest.

‘How the fuck did you get so much muscles?’ I asked.


‘I never see you exercising, lazybones!’ 

‘Oh, so you’re telling me I’m lazy, huh?’ he flipped me over and he fingered me until I screamed out. He covered my mouth so my screams were muffled and barely noticeable.

‘Ssh. Mother and father are here.’ 

He then leaned in and kissed me. Right after that, there was a loud knock on his door. I nearly got a heart attack. We were both naked and our clothes were thrown to the floor. It was clearly visible that Barnabas and I just had sex. Our parents would kill us both. Brother and sister who made love… Impossible.

‘Fuck! Quickly, into my closet!’ he whispered. I hid in the closet and put my corset and my dress back on. I also tried to fix my hair as much as possible. 

He quickly got dressed too and our parents entered the room. 

They had a conversation about business and about his bond with me. When they passed away, he had to take good care of me. That they were so glad that we had such a close bond.

Collinwood Manor, December 12th, 2021

‘Barney?’ I ask.

‘Hm?’ he responds.

‘How did it go?’

‘How did what go, my dear?’

‘My… my birth.’

‘Oh… Well, mother just didn’t stop screaming.’


‘Yeah. And she clung onto father all the time. And yeah, then the contractions really began, and, well… After a few minutes, you were born.’

‘How did you experience that?’

‘I don’t exactly remember, I was ten years old!’

‘When did they tell you?’

‘They just came onto me and said: “Barnabas, we need to tell you something. You… You’re about to be a big brother. You’re getting a little brother or sister.” And I was so excited. And I remember the doctor saying: “Congratulations, young boy. You’ve got a little sister.”’

‘And then, and then?’

‘Then I was allowed to see you. I was disappointed at first, but then I saw you laying there in mother's arms and… you were so small! And cute.’

‘And then?’

‘They gave you your name. And when we grew up and you got older too, we became the close brother and sister we are today.’ 

Angel brushes against my leg, meowing.

‘Yeah, baby, you’ll get your food.’ I tell her.

‘Meow,’ she responds.

Collinwood Manor, 1776

That night… Well… Caesar caught us. That was funny, but also pretty awkward.

Mother and father were gone for the night and me and Barnabas were making out on his bed.

He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned into his mouth. 

He tried to undress me, but I pushed him away. ‘Not today.’

And suddenly, there was another tongue in my mouth.

‘Caesar! Ew! Don’t do that!’ I heard Barnabas say. 

Caesar jumped off his bed, meowing. 

It was harder and harder to hide my actual feelings for him. But, as I saw on his face, he knew it already. 

And yes, he knew it. 

Collinwood Manor, December 12th, 2021

'We used to have so much fun,’ Barnabas tells me. ‘Do you remember when I took you from behind on that kitchen table?’

‘Yeah. I guess we’ve done it everywhere once.’


‘Haha, now our parents’ protectiveness over me worked out well!’ I laugh.

‘Yeah. It was pretty logical that you fell in love with me. And that I fell in love with YOU.’

‘Weren’t you allowed to watch girls?’

‘Yeah, from a certain age…’

Angel meows again.

‘Sorry, I have to feed her.’ 

When I return, Barnabas says: ‘They loved us all.’

‘Even me? Do you remember? They didn’t even see me!’ 

In response, he grabs my arm. ‘What is this?’

Fuck. He’s looking at my scars.

‘I… I’ve hurt myself throughout the years…’

‘Oh, Venus… Was it all that bad?’ he asks.


He looks at the cut I made days ago. The blood is dried out.

‘Venus… How could you?’ he hugs me. ‘Why?’

‘You jumped! I... ‘

‘Did you really think it was your fault that I jumped?’

‘Yeah! I didn’t do enough to stop you! And that’s the reason why I cut myself, to punish myself!’

‘Don’t do that ever again,’ he whispers. ‘You need to visit the doctor.’  

‘Why? Now that you are back here I…’

‘I love you,’ he whispers. ‘And I want you to be fine.’ 

‘I am fine.’ I begin to cry as soon as I say it. ‘I’m not okay, Barnabas. I feel so fucked up.’ 

‘Ssh, ssh. I’m here. I’m here for you,’ he whispers. He strokes my hair. 

‘Swear to be together forever,’ I whisper.


‘Swear it. Promise to never leave me again, no matter what.’

‘Look at me,’ he tells me. 

I look into his lovely brown eyes. I want to drown in them.

‘I promise. I’ll never leave you again.’ he says.

‘Really? Swear it?’

‘I swear it,’ he whispers. 

Only now I can feel the butterflies in my stomach awaken. 

‘Oh, I can’t contain myself anymore!’ I cling onto him. ‘Please, Barnabas, hug me! Kiss me! Make those butterflies calm down!’ I say the words I’ve always wanted to say in that one year. 

He doesn’t do anything.

‘Barney, please!’ I whine. ‘I’m in love, I love you, I want you to hold me!’

‘Yeah, yeah, calm down, my dear.’ he leans in and kisses me.

‘I’m so glad that I still got to say that to you,’ I whisper into the kiss.

Blood Ties (A Sick Shit Barnabas X OC Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum