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But I also had a very embarrassing memory with Barnabas.

I was fourteen. I had a terrible stomach ache for the whole day. And it wasn’t because I had to go to the bathroom. 

I was walking up the stairs with Barnabas. 

Ouch! Another painful cramp. I fell onto my knees.

‘Shit! What do you have?’ Barnabas asked. 

‘Ouch,’ I whined.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

‘Barnabas, I’m not feeling well,’ I whispered. ‘I’ve got a stomach ache.’

‘Oh no. Do you have to use the bathroom?’

‘No… I… Oh no, it hurts…’

Barnabas then began to laugh. ‘Oooh. I already know what you have.’


‘Look,’ he told me. I looked down and saw blood dripping from underneath my dress.

‘Oh fuck,’ I whined. 

‘You just had your first period,’ he laughed.

‘Yeah, just laugh. All you have to do is to spray seeds everywhere!’ I snapped.

‘I’mma get you something you can use,’ he told me. 

He was very sweet to me and he wasn’t even awkward with it.

‘Here, go cleanse yourself. I’ll wait for you,’ he told me.

When I was done, I gave him a big hug. ‘You’re the sweetest brother I can wish for, Barney! But hey, are you experienced? Because it was like you knew exactly what to do.’

‘Yeah… Well… Not with periods, more like, deflowering.’

‘Oh? So you’ve fucked a virgin?’


And four years later he deflowered his own sister.

I also remember a very scary moment. I was so afraid of losing him. Fortunately, he made it. 

Barnabas and I were walking through an alley, where no one could see us, hand in hand.

Suddenly, two men jumped on top of us. I fell to the ground and was faced with a dagger.

‘W-what is…’ I stammered. 

‘Give me your money,’ he whispered threateningly. 

‘I-I don’t have any,’ I whimpered.

‘You’re lying. I know who you are, bitch. So you better give it to me. Or do you want something else…’ he ran his finger over my nose.

‘Stay away from me,’ I whispered. But he didn’t listen and tried to undress me. 

Suddenly, I heard Barnabas scream: ‘That’s enough! Leave her alone!’

The man turned around and I quickly got up. I saw Barnabas facing the man. 

‘Oh look, it’s your boyfriend! Well, you two make a great couple, two freaks!’

Barnabas then pulled out a gun. I didn’t even know that he had a gun and I let out a scream.

‘Stop it. Don’t you know who I am?’ he asked the man.

‘Yeah. You’re that spoiled brat of a son of the Collins family! And that is your whore.’

‘She’s not a whore. Well… It’s good to know that I’ve got this…’ he did something with his gun and a clicking noise came out of it. Would he really shoot?

‘Haha, don’t think that you can do anything because you’re sort of a famous person…’

Barnabas fired off his gun. I screamed and ran over to him. He placed his free arm around my waist.

‘Don’t worry, my love,’ he whispered. ‘They won’t harm you.’

My love! It was the first time he ever called me that. He’d always call me “my dear” or “beauty”, but never “my love”.

The man avoided the bullet and got over to him. Barnabas wanted to shoot again, but the gun was empty. 

‘Fuck! Empty!’ he cursed.

‘Barney, help…’ I whispered.

‘Ssh,’ he soothed me.

And then the man stabbed him with his dagger. He screamed out in pain. 

‘No! Mom!’ I yelled. 

He groaned. ‘Venus… Save yourself… Just leave me here. There’s nothing you can do for me…’

‘NO!’ I screamed furiously. ‘How dare you to say that! I’m not leaving you here! You’re the master of Collinwood Manor, we can’t lose you! I’mma get you mom and dad.’ 

Barnabas smiled at me, but he quickly scrunched up his face in pain. He leaned in and kissed me.

I then tried to help him get up.

He wobbled on his legs. I supported him as much as I could. 

‘Those fuckers!’ I scolded. ‘Those heartless fuckers. How dare they!’

‘Oh, look, there’s Barnabas Collins. My god, is he drunk or something?’

‘NO, HE GOT STABBED!’ I screamed at her. 

Barnabas held on until our front door. He then collapsed and got unconscious.

‘Barney!’ I freaked out. ‘Help!’

Mom and dad came to me. They were shocked. ‘Barnabas! What happened?’

‘He got… he got stabbed,’ I cried.

Father pulled me close. ‘Ssh, it’ll be okay.’

It had been two days and he hadn’t woken up yet. Mom and dad were allowed to see him first and then it was my turn. 

‘Venus, you can go to him now. He’s not unconscious anymore, but he’s sleeping. He needs to rest, he has lost a lot of blood.’

‘Oh, Barney…’ I whispered when I saw him. He was laying in his bed. He was half naked and he was soaked with sweat.

‘Barney…’ I took his hand. ‘I was so scared. I thought I’d lost you…’

‘I don’t know if you can hear me, but…’ I leaned in and gave him a kiss on his mouth. ‘I love you.’

Later, his eyes were open. Mom and dad had hugged him extensively and now it was my turn. 

I rushed to him. ‘I thought I’d lost you!’

‘Lost me?’ he laughed. ‘Why would you lose me? I’m strong enough.’

‘Turns out. But uh… I found your gun.’ I gave it to him. ‘Why do you have it?’

‘I must protect myself,’ he whispered. ‘And you! And mother and father.’

‘You’re a hero,’ I whispered. ‘My hero.’ my head felt like jelly and I didn’t register all that was happening. 

I heard him whispering something, and then I felt his soft lips on mine. 

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