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"you remind me of you right after the hospital"

yoongi mentally winced and frowned upon hearing that come from his own mother. he knew she said that because of the sling he was still being forced to wear by his physical therapist, but it still hurt.

to him, that statement meant he was useless and good for nothing. he remembers being in the hospital for days, his arm hurting at every movement and he was basically crying all the time. he especially remembered his dad's reaction.

yoongi never had an exceptional relationship with his father. they would occasionally talk about how was school, how was basketball, but now they barely saw each other. his father was extremely disappointed after the accident.

he dreamed of yoongi becoming some sort of extraordinary basketball player because that was really the only talent the boy had. he paid for outside coaching and played on a team outside of school.

now, he couldn't even had that.

he shivered as he thought about all the nasty words his father said after the nurses and doctors said he might not be able to play again, which was later confirmed by his physical therapist.

all of these reasons were just some reasons he hated being questioned about his injury. the questions made his uncomfortable and made him have bad memories of the hospital and his feelings.

which is why, he especially hated park jimin's questioning. the boy was in no place to be questioning so much.

yoongi hates thinking.

he hates it so much, he does anything to not think. he talks to his stuffed animal he got at the hospital about art and basketball, or hugs him when he just wants to cry.

he watched basketball games on his computer or played games on random websites. he loved making virtual pizza.

at the rare occasion, he got the motivation to paint. he used painting as a coping mechanism to escape from his thoughts.

he sighed after finishing painting a part of a cat that reminded him of jimin the time they went to the cat catr. it was an orange cat, it was sweet and gentle, loved treats, and was sleepy. so cute.

he picked up his phone that started letting out notifications.


hi guyss

we should go to the arcade


that'd be cool!


omg yess


how far is it walking distance?


i will pick all of you up no worries





number 13 | yoominWhere stories live. Discover now