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It has been 7 days, seven days since my husband has talked to me. 7 days since Karthik and Aarti have locked themselves in their rooms. Not even coming out for food. Nobody talks to me. Not even Krish. Even a 9 year old blames me for handing a situation which wouldve caused them so much humiliation if I hadnt.

Imagine Krish going to school and his classmates teasing him that his brother and sister had a baby. Imagine the neighbours looking down on us because my children had a baby together.

Karthik is just like his father. Arrogant, stubborn and everything he does is to purposely hurt me. I dont know about him but, Aarti was a smart kid. Why would she do something like this?

They claim that they were together before me and Vikram got married. Like thats true. All I remember is them ignoring each other because of a stupid fight they had when they were kids. But now theyre so deep in love. Even if they are they should understand that we are their parents. They should obey what we tell them to do. And how long was a relationship between a 17 year old and 20 year old gonna last. We all know teenage romances looks good in fiction only.

Vikram zooms across the room, up the stairs. It is his daily routine now. Banging at their door, pleading them to open and when it doesnt work threatening them. He mostly falls asleep there. That poor man, his bitch of a daughter still wont open the daughter after seeing her father suffer.

Vikram blames it on himself. He believes that he was too blindsided by our relationship that he didnt see his daughter change.

I watch as he starts his routine of the day. It is almost 5 am in the morning. Because of his display that poor Krish has to wake up hours earlier every day.

"Aarti. Baby please open the door. Let me at least check you are okay? You mustve bled a lot. Let me take you to a hospital"

Bled a lot? Its just a minor abortion. I had snuck the initial dose in the mango slices and the final dose in the mango juice. It was at that moment I realised it was Karthiks kid. She was craving mangoes. Just like me when I carried my boys.

Sure she must have bled a little. Like a heavy period. Not much. The boy mustve been exaggerating when he said she was covered in blood. Its not like an abortion pill is gonna kill her, Even if she died, she had it coming. Aarti got herself into this, and she must face the consequences.

I walk into Krishs room to carry him downstairs so that he can sleep better. As soon as I remove the blanket my heart drops. Krish is not here. In place of him is a bunch of pillows organised to look like a person sleeping here.

My hands are shaking when I notice the empty cupboard. His, both Karthik and Krishs clothes are gone. Krishs text books, school bags everything is gone.

"KRISH!" I yell as I run out of the room and search downstairs.

"What is it?" Vikram asks for the first time in a week.

"My baby, hes gone" I bang at Aartis door "Is he in there? Answer me you whore"

A slap burns my cheek. "You have no right to call my daughter that."

"Yes I do. Were married remember?"

I lose my final restraint as I bring my sledge hammer from the garage. I pound the wooden door until wood cracked and left a hole so big that I could reach in and undo the locks.

I push the door wide open and Vikram falls to his knees. They are gone. Both of them, with Krish.

Aartis cupboards are empty. Her books her laptop everything is gone. Just like Krishs. My breath labours as the realisation sinks in. They ran away.

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