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Once again the tablet found its way to my mouth and once again i felt euphoria. Biting my lip i tried to ignore the colors in my eyes, the pleasure flowing through my body.

Ecstasy. It is what clint called it. Its the first time im using something other than weed or ciggarettes. Alcohol never helped me.

The divorce was hard on me than i expected. It wrecked me in a way that i never thought i would be.

It was my first time trying this pill thing. I dont know if its safe. Hell its called narcotics for a reason, its not safe.

But i didnt care. Not even a little bit. I could overdose and die in a puddle for all i care. My reality was so painful for me. I desperately needed an escape.

Stealing money from Aarti was a low move but i was desperate. Mom had cut me off and took back her credit card because of my 'expenses'.

Last night was stupid. I shouldn't have stole from her in the first place. But twice? And get caught? Ughh!

I had snatched the money from her last night. The image she had of me would have stooped down certain levels. It was for the greater good.

Aarti is. . . She is the purest person i know. She has always been there for me. Well until i pushed her away. I'll never forget her face when i told her to mind her business.

The hurt. The pain. I always doubted she had feelings for me. But that day i knew it. The way her face crumbled it still makes wanna punch myself in the face.

It wasnt until the next week i knew the consequence of my actions. It wasnt until she started ignoring me, when she started doing exactly what i asked her to do, that i figured it out.

1. I dont want her to stay away.

2. I pushed her away too far that i lost her forever.

Waking up after getting high the previous night is unbearable. My head felt like queens was having a concert inside it.

I clutched my stomach in hands and walked to the bathroom and threw up. The image that stared back at me in the mirror wasnt me. It was a zombie. Hell zombies look much better than me.

I took an aspirin for the headache, Freshened up, took a shower and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Mom and krish were already eating.

I went to the kitchen took a plate and helped mtself to the breakfast. I walked past the table and sat down on the couch.

Mom called out from behind me "Could you atleast acknowledge that we are here? "

I ignored her and ate my breakfast. Krish ran upto me with his plate and sat next to me. He had a mouthful of food and smiled at me.

I chuckled. Little monster, thats what aarti always called him.I shuffled his hair and ate.

"How long are you gonna keep this up karthik? You come home at night after we sleep. When i come to check on you you are not in your room. Where are you sneaking off to at night?" Mom started.

Krish started panicking. He always knew when we were about to fight.

"Do you think i dont know what you are doing? How you get those red eyes and hangovers every morning?" She started sobbing.

Oh great. The waterworks are here.

"Why are you doing this to me karthik? What wrong did i do to you? Why are you hurting me like this?" She yelled.

Anger fueled through me. I clutched my plates in my hands. Krish started crying too.

"Go upto my room kid" i shoved krish to go upstairs. He ran upstairs and slammed the door. I was positive he would've crawled under the bed.

You're not just A Distraction (Completed✔)Where stories live. Discover now