Escape from underworld

552 51 65

Trigger warning: kidnapping and sexual content 🔞

Its not over yet.

The lights go out in a piercing loud noise. People start running in panic, shoving each other, all with one goal and one goal only: to survive.

I hear Karthik calling my name. I hear his voice in the chaos.

But he doesn't hear me.

He doesn't hear me when somebody violently yanks me from behind and twists my hair around their fingers.

He doesn't hear me when the soaked cloth is pressed against my mouth.

Im carried over a strong shoulder and i fight for my life. I kick him in the stomach and beat him back using my hands. I try to claw his eyes out and that when someone presses another cloth into my nose and i tumble into the darkness.


A sharp motion caused me to wake up. My head was pounding like crazy. I opened my eyes and i was in the trunk of a car. The tall guy from before was standing at the entrance, his hands on the trunk door, talking to someone on the phone.

I blinked my eyes a few times clearing my head and tried to move my arms. It was tied behind my back with something soft. Like. . . A t-shirt?

Wow. Some kidnappers you are. Who ties hands with tshirts??

I wiggled my arms little more and the tshirt came right off. Tall guy turned his head at me and his eyes widened in shock.

I immediately launched myself at mr.tall guy. I swung at him. He blocked the first jab, quicker than I could see.

He whipped out a knife. Okay we are playing with toys now. I picked up a sharp rock, and hoped it was sharp enough.

Circling each other, we exchanged swipes, only to be dodged again and again.

I sliced at tall guy's torso. He dashed to the right.

"how is she trained?" he grumbled under his breath.

I assumed he meant me. "My father is an ex soldier dumbass. He sure as hell trained me well enough to beatup assholes like you"

Advancing on him, I managed to stop another arching attack from carving the tip of my nose. He held my arm in an ironclad grip above my head.

I grabbed a fistful of Tall guy's salt and pepper hair with my free hand and yanked. He squeaked and then i kicked, catching him in the crotch.

He lost his breath for just a fraction of a moment, but it was all i needed. I slipped past his blocks, cutting tall guy on the forearm. It hardly deterred him, but distracted him long enough for the figure behind him to knock him out with a plank.

Karthik rose from behind tall guy as he fell down to the ground.

Karthik was wrecked. His brow was cut and bleeding. Cheeks were bruised and bleeding. His arms were swelled up and he was panting like a dog.

He needs a drink right now. Or he will faint. I looked around the car for a first aid box. Didnt find one butll did find a bottle of brandy. I handed it to him. He hesitated at first but took a large swing from the bottle.

His eyes started watering due to the dry drink and started coughing uncontrollably.I fetched some water from the car as well and he drank the whole bottle.

"Are you okay?" Karthik asked.

"Am i okay? Look at you karthik." I ran my fingers through his wounds.

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