A New Life

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"Oh my god Aarti!" Jiya yelped as we looked down towards the double pink lines appearing on the pregnancy test.

This is the fourth test I've taken and all four of them came back positive. Jiya has risked hell on earth for me and got these from a drugstore far away from here so that no one could recognise her. We were in our room. I clutched the test in my hand as I ran my other on my lower stomach.

I am pregnant. With Karthik's child. I have a baby growing inside of me. The thought itself scares me to my core. Im going to be a mother. My heart stuttered. Could I even be a mother? Im 17, I was relatively organised and responsible, I was smart, but that was not the same thing as having to take care of a tiny human being. I have no idea what my future holds. What if dad knew would he even let me keep it? The thought of it had my hands automatically gripping my stomach possessively. Was Karthik ready to be a dad? But even if he is how can we raise a child together considering our circumstances? Thoughts one by one rushed into my head as a wave of fatigue washed over me. Darkness entered the corners of my eyes.

"I have to lie down" I said.

"Careful, slowly" Jiya assists me to lie down as she lies down with me. We both stare at the ceiling for some minutes and then I ask

"Should I talk to Karthik? Should I even tell him?"

"of course you have to tell him. Its his baby too. He has a right to know"

"I know that but what if he knows and he wants to tell our parents or maybe- "

"If he doesn't want it?" jiya asks

"No.. Karthik loves babies. He would never reject his own child"

"Then what are you gonna do? Aarti youre 17. We live in a country where abortions can be done even without the consent of the mother. Oh my god! youre a mother!"

"Im a mother" I whisper as the truth seeps in. Im a mother. Even if this baby has been with for mere weeks, even if i only came to know about it today. Its my baby, I created it and I should protect it. It doesn't matter if im not an adult or not. It matters what I decide to do with my child.

"I wanna keep it" I say and jiya looks ecstatic at the same time worried.

"Im happy for you. I really am, but. How are you gonna do this? What will people say?"

"Fuck the people I dont care. Karthik was my boyfriend before he became my step brother. That's what counts. I loved him before this whole mess. And i really love this baby Jiya, Its only been minutes i know but, I dont know how to explain it."

Jiya throws a hand around me and rubs at my stomach. "There's a baby in there"

"Yeah there is " I smile. As minutes went by the shock goes away and magical feeling seeps in. A life growing inside me. God!

"Hii Baby! im your aunty Jiya" Jiya cooed in a baby voice. I giggle at her. Jiya is such a good friend. in such a messy situation most people will leave you alone and let you fend for your self. But not her she will even jump in a pool of lava if im jumping with her.

"Thankyou. for not judging me. For being with me" my voice shakes.

"Shut up" jiya says as she wraps her arms around me and pulls me to her.

"Aarti!!" I hear Anjali auntie's voice from downstairs.

"In here!" I call out. I hear her footsteps come up the stairs and then it hit me. The tests! The pregnancy test were scattered in my bed. "Hide the tests" I yelp as Jiya throws a blanket over the test and us.

"Aarti are you okay? The coach called me and.. oh hii jiya" Anjali aunty looks shocked as she Jiya in my room.

"Hii aunty" Jiya replies sheepishly.

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