Skeletons in the closet

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Her shocked face enough for me to know that she wasnt expecting my confession. She stood and sat down the foot of the bed with me. We both had our backs to the bed.

It was true i am the reason for my parent's divorce.

And soon the words were spilling out of me. To the only person i would dare to speak of this about.

Karthik 13 years old

It was almost 3 in the evening. Karthik ran up the stairs towards his father's office, clutching the pen drive hard in his right hand. He had to return the pen drive by 5 today, when clint comes to the tution class. He had to be discreet. No one can see him watching porn.

He ran upto his dad's room and switched on his computer. The dialogue box for the password popped up. Karthik knew it by heart. It hadn't changed for as long as he can remember.


He typed in the password and plugged in the pendrive. Open the file and there was 4 videos. He checked the surrounding made sure no one was home and started playing the video.

By the time he reached the second video, he didnt realise that his father's car had pulled into the drive way.

Karthik was so indulged in the nudity before him that he didnt realise his father was standing right behind him.

He only saw his father when he felt a hard slap on his back.

"Karthik! What the hell are you doing?" His father roared.

Karthik jumped up from his seat tried to cover the computer screen. But his father pulled the pen drive from the cpu and waved it in the air.

"Where did you get this? Is this why we sent you to school?"

Karthik shivered. He wanted to say something but couldnt his tongue got frozen in its place.

"I asked where did you get this?" His father asked shaking him by his shoulders.

"I... i.." karthik stammered. Sweat trickled down his temple.

"You know what, dont talk to me talk to your mother." His father walked away with the pen drive in his hands.

Karthik saw his mother walking in through the gates. He panicked.

'Mom couldnt know this. She'll never look at me the same' he thought.

"Dad.. dad ... please Dont tell mom please. Dad"karthik clutched his fathers arm and tried to grab the pendrive from him.

"Karthik.. leave me.." His dad tried to shove him off.

Karthik saw his mother walk through the front door.

"Ashok.. are you he. ." His mom's words cut into a scream as karthik fell down the stairs. He rolled along the steps and lost his consiousness.

Present day

"Your dad pushed you downstairs?" Aarti asked. Her face struck with horror.

"No. . . Thats the point" i admitted ashamed to the core.

She looked at me confused.

"I purposefully tripped down the stairs" i whispered.

Aarti's eyes went wide. Her mouth remained open. She tried to say something but closed her mouth.

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