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The music from next door is blasting in full volume. At 12 am. Goddd teenage boys are such assholes.

And he had to be on the house right next to me and his room straight opposite mine.

A day full of classes and badminton practises will make you wanna sleep like the dead. And i want to sleep like the dead. But guess why i cant do that.

The music.

Ughhh. Still i press my pillow to my ears and try to sleep. And i think i dozed off for a while.

I stir to a small sound near by, and groan quietly. The music from next door still hasn't stopped! Can a girl not get her beauty sleep any more?

I remove the pillow from my head and looked up to the noise.

I'm dreaming.

I'm definitely dreaming.

Imagine waking up in the dead of night to find your neighbour dangling out of your window. Thats not possible right? Yeah.... Im dreaming.

Wait. Why would i see karthik creeping in through my bedroom window.

Actually, why am i dreaming about him anyway? I have even talked to the guy properly in years.

God! To think that we used to play husband and wife while we were kids.

Karthik pulled his huge body through the window and tiptoed through my room.

I never thought in my wildest dreams that i would see a basketball player tiptoe. The floor board creaked and he cringed pausing for a few seconds and moved again.

Yep not a dream.

He's actually in my room. I was pretending to be asleep but the way my breath kicked up was a dead on hint.

As i peaked through my lashes i saw him look over at me. I immedaitely closed my eyes and tried to even my breathing.

Karthik and i have been friends since i moved here to bangalore. Me and my parents moved here when i was 6.

My mom was struggling with breast cancer at that time. Karthik's mother Anjali was the nurse who attended to my mom at that time and who later turned out to be our neighbour.

Thats when i met him for the first time. Karthik mohan.

He is 2 years older than me. But was smaller than me during that time. He was a scrawny, moody kid with curly hair and shiny eyes. Freckles dusted over his face.

When his mom and mine set us uo for a play date i remember his first word to me were "Leave me alone you ugly cat".

Well why was the person who called me a cat was sneaking in like one here.

I slowly stirred to the other side so that he cant see my face. I heard him rummaging through my table and pause when i turned.

I heard him sigh. Then i heard a zip opening.

Ohh myy godd!!

Was he taking off his pants? Was he going through my underwear drawer? Is he gonna..?

Yuck.... god please dont do that.

I slowly looked through my shoulder.
Please dont be naked. Please dont be naked.

Yup definitely not naked.

Then what zip did he open? I turned over a little bit more and saw him holding my purse. In his other hand was two 200 rupee notes.

He was stealing from me??

Oh My God! Why is he doing this?

Im sure there is a good enough reason or karthik wont do this kind of stuff.
Or the karthik i knew wouldnt do this.

Even though he was grumpy the first few times we met he warmed upto me pretty fast. We were inseperable back then.

My mom even used to joke that he was her son in law. Well before she died of course.

My mom lost her battle to cancer when i was 8 years old. My dad was shattered. He's never been the same since mom. Its like a part of him died with her that day.

It was a really tough time for me. To lose my mother. The person who looked at me like I'm her whole world was gone.

My dad was so lost himself that he couldnt look at me without crying. At that time it was karthik who was there for me. He stayed with me for 3 days straight until i stopped crying.

He made me eat, he made me shower. He was the one who pulled me out of it.

At the age of 10 if a boy does that for a girl it is considered friendship or a brotherly love.

But for me it was different. As we grew up my feelings for him grew too.

The guy who was shorter than me became taller than my dad after 4 summes.

His sunkissed skin and sharp jaw which could propably cut glass,his wide shoulders and huge body was eye candy for every girl in my area. But i was the only one who had access to that candy.

There were romours around the kids that we were dating. But even as we denied them i secretly wished it were true.

But everything when to hell that summer. Karthiks parents were fighting non stop. His father Mohan uncle was an engineer and was always busy. But he was there when it came to karthik or krishna his little brother.

I dont know exactly what happened that summer, but all i know is that his father hurt him and his arm was in a cast. After that the fighting intensified and few weeks later mohan uncle moved out. And a year later they got divorced.

Karthik has never been the same ever since. He was always grumpy and angry, started getting into fights, once i even caught him smoking in his backyard. And it wasn't just a ciggarette.

He shouted at me that day and asked me to mind my own business and stay away from him. Thats when we stopped talking. There was the occasional hi' and hello's but never the old thing.

We never went back to what we were. After 3 years we drifted apart even more. But my crush on him was still burning like an ember in the ashes.

But even after everything why would he steal money from my purse?

Why does he need money so bad that he is stealing from me?

He pushed the notes into the backpocket of his jeans. He turned around and started towards my bed.

I immediately pretended to be asleep.
Because thats what every sane person would do.

He bend over the bed and braced an arm near my head. My heart was pounding in my chest. I could feel his breath on my forehead.

A warm callused hand brushed over my forehead and pushed a few strand of hair away from my face.

Then i felt his lips brush my brows.

I froze. I could feel the warmth radiating from his body. He was so close.

Then i heard a deep rumble near my face. "Im sorry kitty".

Kitty. His nickname for me. I havent heard that name in 3 years.

I felt the warmth leaving me. I slowly opened my eyes and peaked through my lashes and saw his huge frame of a body moving through my room and settled in the window frame and vanish.

I sat up in the bed. I ran my fingers over the tingling spot near my brow.

He stole from me then he kissed me. And then he apologised.

What is happening???


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