Lost Soul

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Blinding pain pierced through my stomach. It felt like someone was running a white hot iron through the insides.I looked down and realised where the blood was coming from. As if in answer another gush of blood left me and ran down through my legs, the pain following that was almost blinding.

I struggled to get up from the bed. The pain dulled all of my senses. I slowly tried to stand up and immediately slipped down the floor as my feet were covered in blood. I reached for my phone which was laying on the bed and dialled Jiya's number. Agony flowing through my veins as I waited for her to pick up. But it kept ringing and ringing. She wasn't picking up.

Tears flowed uncontrollably as I realised what this means. The pain, the blood.

"NO!" I screamed. The truth sunk in. Im losing my baby.

I took my phone again and dialled the number which I was sure will never not pick up my call. On the second ring itself he answered.

"Aarti...?" Karthik's sleepy voice reached me.

"Karthi...." I cried. My voice shattering at hearing him "I need your help please"

"What's wrong? what...what happened?" I could hear him rummaging as if he was running. The phone fell from my hands as a wave of pain made me crawl into a ball. I screamed. The next second I heard restless taps on my door and Karthik's muffled voice through it.

"Aarti... open the door" He urged.

I crawled towards the floor, realising the floor was also filled with blood by now. I almost reached the door and using the door knob as support pulled myself up to unlock the door. The minute I opened the door Karthik rushed in and I fell on towards his chest.

"What's wrong baby? why were you-" He froze, his entire body locked up as he saw blood. My eyes were barely keeping open I was about to faint I could tell. But I had to tell hm. I dont think there is nothing left to tell now, but he has to know. He was going to be a father.

"What is this? What happened to you? Are you hurt? Wha-" He began blabbering as he tried to make me stand and tried to find my point of injury. I gathered all my strength and placed my hand on his mouth as I stopped him.

"Karthi... I...I lost our baby" That was the last thing I said before darkness enveloped my vision and I fell into his embrace.


"Karthi... I lost our baby" My entire body locked up as she spoke those words. Now she lay in my hands her face bunching up in pain. My hands shivered as I took her to the bed which covered in blood. I lay her down and splashed some water on her face. Her eyes fluttered and tears began flowing from her eyes as she curled into a ball in pain. Eventual moans of pain leaving her mouth, tearing my heart into million times every time I hear it.

I backed up into the wall as my hands curled into my hair. Aarti was pregnant? Why didnt she tell me? And now, Before I even knew I was having a baby, I lost it. That explains her behaviour of the last week. She looked extremely pale, she was barely eating anything. And last night, oh my god last night... she wanted to say something to me. Maybe she was trying to tell me this. Tears ran through my cheeks as I thought about how much ive put her through. She mustve been so scared when she found out.

A cry rose from Aarti and she tried to get up from the bed. I ran towards her side but she kept waving me to move and threw up on the floor.

"Im sorry, im sorry" she kept mumbling. Does she think im bothered by that?

"No.. no baby" I tried to mask the shake in my voice. I looked at her, really looked at her. Her body was covered with blood. I had to clean her up first.

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