"I love seeing you this way, you look so gorgeous"

Jungkook snorted, rolling his eyes, "Let's go home already, people are starting to stare" he says, gesturing to the now gathering crowd who stood in total awe admiring the exquisite looking car, and trying to sneak a peak at the interior as well.

Seokjin hummed, but instead folded both of his arms across his chest, "I never really got an I miss you back"

"Huh?" Jungkook questions, quitting his eyes at Seokjin in confusion.

"I told you I missed you Jeonguk, so much, why didn't you say it back? Did you perhaps not miss me back?" Seokjin whined, practically about to throw a fit like a child.

Jungkook's face brimmed with a mischievous smile, detangling Seokjin's hands from his chest, he brings them closer to his lips and bestowed a loving kiss on his palms, "I missed you too, I missed you so much, to the extent it felt like muscled cars drove a truck right through my heart" he confesses, his long lashes batting up adoringly at the man.

Seokjin couldn't help but smile, extremely wide. "Let's get us home now shall we?" His brows curving up mischievously with a devilish smirk on his lips.

Letting go of his hands, Jungkook nodded in agreement and relaxed into his seat, watching Seokjin kick on the ignition and swiftly drove out of the premises.

The ride home was filled with chatters and laughters as usual, they were always like this, ever since the day Jungkook eventually confessed his feelings to Seokjin,

"I know exactly what my heart wants now Seokjin, it's you, I love you too, very much"

Jungkook had said on one rainy night, leaving Seokjin with an empty and poorly functioning brain, the kind that glitched for a few minutes. Before he was reeled back to reality by hearing his name being called out loudly.

Jungkook could have sworn he witnessed the man's glistening eyes for the very first time, since knowing him. As he scooped him off the floor into his arms, appreciatively showering him with kisses, with low whispers of thank you so much, and I love yous, slipping inbetween.

When they came to a red light stop, Seokjin glanced at Jungkook who was now busy on his cellphone, before carding his crooked fingers through his hair, "You showered after practice?" He asked, only now taking note of Jungkook's semi dampened hair.

Jungkook nodded, tearing his gaze away from his screen to lean into the soothing and warm head rubs he seemed to enjoy a little too much, "Yes I did at the dorm, today's practice was intense, it left me panting and soaking wet"

Seokjin instantly bit back an all knowing mischievous grin, as his eyebrows quirked upwards, "Really?"

Again, Jungkook nodded, returing his attention back to his phone as the light above them turned green.

"Well, isn't it a good thing that I know of something else that can also leave you panting and soaking wet? Sometimes even gasping for air?" He questions, emphasizing vividly on the soaking wet.

Jungkook's jaw dropped slacked open, now starring at Seokjin in utter disbelief, "You are one rotten man, what the hell is wrong with you?" He asks, already breaking into a frenzy as Seokjin allowed one of his hand to rest on his upper thigh.

Jungkook voiced out a long and throaty moan, allowing his head to fall forward against the soft pillow as Seokjin greedily dragged his tongue over his puckering and squelching pink hole,

"Oh shit, Jin__" he moaned out, fisting the sheets beneath him for support.

Seokjin only hummed in acknowledgment, allowing the reverberation from his action to shoot and coarse through out Jungkook's entire body.

Jungkook's leaking cock stood proud, long and erect as Seokjin intensely tongue fucked him to stupor.

Damn, it's been a while.

Since confessing their feelings for eachother, life did take a different turn in another direction in a short while. Because, Seokjin become a lot more busy, as his popularity, ambassadorial deals and fame skyrocketed through the roof. Of course not that any of it was such a pressing problem for them now, but it somehow did take its toll on them sometimes, as they could go an entire week without seeing eachother, due to some shoots extending way into the nights and Jungkook practicing his ass off to get better at his absolute favorite sport.

So, on days like these when they do get to be with eachother, they often made the absolute best of it. Getting reeled up together, cumin multiple times and cuddling like new born babies in eachother's arms. The feeling could only be described as perfect, and they never took it for granted, nor would they have wanted it any other way.

"God, I missed you, fucking missed you so much" Seokjin purred dominantly, licking a long wet strip over Jungkook's hole.

Jungkook's breath hitched as he groaned deeply, "Me too, I missed you so much" he seconded immediately, shaking his curvy and meaty ass in Seokjin's face.

"Turn around" Seokjin orders, and Jungkook complied like an absolute good boy, turning on his back against the comfy sheets and stared up at the man, bright stars twinkling in his brown orbs.

"My beauty, you're so fucking beautiful" Seokjin praised, running his fingers over Jungkook's torso.

Jungkook's chest heaved uncontrollably, desperately hoping Seokjin would wrap his magic fist around his red throbbing cock.

As if sensing Jungkook's silent pleas, Seokjin flicked his cock a few times, not enough to make him cum, but just enough to put him passed the freaking edge. "Because I've missed you too much, I want to take my time with you my Jeonguk, have you writhing and screaming out my name at the top of your lungs"

One would think Jungkook couldn't get more excited in the state he was in, but then that would be deadass wrong. He felt completely elated, ecstatic, happy even, so happy to the extent he could cum just from having Seokjin kiss him in the heat of the moment.

"I scream your name all the damn time, you easily push me pass the point of no return" Jungkook rasps out, tempted to sensually play with himself, but he knew Seokjin would never allow it.

"Really?" Seokjin questions with a smug grin, giving the boy a sly wink.

Jungkook nodded, vigorously.

"Great, fucking amazing. So, what do you say my beauty? Mind if I get to work and use some toys on your pretty ass?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up, damn he was already such a goner for Kim Seokjin, he didn't need to be told twice.

"Yes, yes please" he voiced out, hoarsely.

As the lovers gazed at eachother with insatiable hunger and fondness, Jungkook's phone was busy blaring away in the living room as his Mother kept on ringing him continuously.

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