⁂ Lucky Killer 20 Invasion ⁂

Comenzar desde el principio

Bai Yutang saw that Zhan Zhao was squinting slightly as if he had seen an experienced mouse for a cat and knew that he must be looking at something.

"Then, describe your dream to me in detail."

Zhan Zhao took out the tape recorder he was carrying and treated Lian Qian Yi as a patient.

Bai Yutang stood and listened. He was standing next to the hospital window, the shutters were closed, but he could still see downstairs from the inside.

The weather is approaching evening. Bai Yutang suddenly noticed that a police car was parked downstairs.

He looked into the distance again... He remembered seeing a police car when he entered the door.

As far as he knew, four police officers were guarding the gate, and two of them were plainclothes at the entrance. He knew them, and they were all Ai Hu's subordinates. There are two people outside, in uniform, guarding the gate. It shouldn't be possible for plainclothes officers to come in a police car. Are they in the uniform, the two policemen, come in two cars?

Zhan Zhao sat beside the bed and chatted with Lian Qian Yi. Bai Yutang walked to the door calmly, opened the door and looked out. The two police officers were standing there and looked at him.

Bai Yutang asked,

"Just the two of you on duty? Is there anyone else?"

"There are Bai's teams."

One of the police officers replied,

"One is on duty in the car outside, the other is at the corridor's entrance, and two plainclothes are on duty with us every four hours."


Bai Yutang nodded, went out and closed the door, hooking his fingers to the two of them.
The two approached, and Bai Yutang whispered a few words to them. The two looked at each other; Bai Yutang waved his hands gently, indicating that they would do as they were.

So the two nodded and understood.

Bai Yutang returned to the room and closed the door while Zhan Zhao still talked to Lian Qian Yi. He didn't move or disturb the two of them. He walked to the door and borrowed a white coat from the medical office opposite. He took off his coat and put it on, pretended to hold the case splint and pen, and stood at the door of Zhan Zhao's room. The two police officers were still standing there, unsure of the situation.


Outside the SCI's office, there were a lot of people gathered, and the outer layer was other police officers who didn't know the truth. Most of them were because they smelled a foul stench and heard 'Rumours' from people who had just 'Visited' with the Economics Department about the weird forensic doctor, Gong Sun. The corpse finally appeared in the room, so they formed groups to come and watch.

In the middle corridor, people from the forensics department collected evidence from the gallery at Gong Sun's request.

On the inner layer, SCI people wearing simple gas masks blocked the door of the forensic room to watch. Comparing the inner layer, the others don't know what happened.

Bai Jing Tang originally wanted to find Gong Sun for dinner, but now he has no appetite.

The innermost layer in the forensic room is the pile of meat sauce and bones that Gong Sun is studying now.

Ma Xin finally squeezed in, rushed into the forensic room and looked at it, dumbfounded,

"How could this happen?"

Gong Sun pointed to the mask. After Ma Xin put it on, Gong Sun gave her a glass dish.

"He seems to have potent oxidising agents in his body. Look at the ingredients."

S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Criminal Investigation Novel Season Three. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora