I took a deep breath and quietly descended down them. As I reached the bottom, there were two men standing guard at yet another door.


Oh god. I'm really doing this.

I aimed my gun with both hands, pointing it directly at one of the guards. Steadying my breath, I pulled the trigger and closed my eyes.

"Porro! Pegue ele!" The man yelled.
(Fuck! Get him!)

"Seu maldito morto!"
(You're fucking dead!)

Oh fuck.

I aimed my gun again, shooting at the man still standing.

"Eu acertei!" He shouted.
(I'm hit!)

I jumped down the last couple steps, shooting my gun again, getting the man in his other thigh. He dropped to the found clutching his legs while screaming in agony.

The other one... Shit, I think I killed him.

I kicked the guys gun away from him, bending to pick it up. I threw the strap over my shoulder and kicked the guy in the face, knocking him out cold.

I rested my forehead against the cool wall, fighting to calm my breathing and catch my breath. How did I do that? No damn clue.

I flinched when I heard footsteps running down the stairs, I aimed my gun towards them but sighed in relief once I saw it was Fraser and another agent.

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID? You could have got yourself killed!" He yelled.

"Wow, nice job. You should think about joining the force!" One of the agents said while earning a death glare from Fraser.

"It's already done. I'm fine, the guys are down. I need to find Zayn! This is taking too long!" I yelled.

"I think he's in there." I said, pointing at the door with a large padlock on it.

Fraser rubbed the bridge of his nose letting our a deep sigh. "Someone break the fuckin lock."

The man nodded, using the back of his automatic gun and successfully breaking the lock off. He threw it to the ground, turned the handle and used the nose of the gun to inch the door open.

The room was dark, but as I looked inside I saw the shape of a person lying on what looks to be a small bed.

I ran inside, pulled the dangling string from the roof which thankfully brought light to the room.

That's when I saw him.

Zayn... My beautiful man.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw him there, shaking, naked, and facing the wall.

I could hear the panic in his breathing. He was terrified. His ankles were shackled by some sort of chain to the metal bed post and his hands cuffed together.

I ran over to him, kneeling down at his side.

"Zayn! Zayn, i'm here baby. I'm here," I said.

His body flinched when he touched me, but his body stopped shaking. His bruised face turned around to look at me, and the second our eyes connected he burst into tears.

"E-Eli? How d-did you find me?" He asked.

"That's not important right now, love. What matters is that you're here. You're alive and safe in my arms." I ran my fingers through Zayn's tangled hair and pressed a kiss against his bruised forehead.

"I-I didn't think I w-would see you again," he said while bawling.

"I'm here love. We're going to get you somewhere safe, okay?"

He nodded at me, and I moved out of the way so the agents could cut the restraints off him.

"Do you know where Castillo went?" Fraser asked.

"U-Um there's a door, over there... It leads underground or something... He-He went down there m-maybe ten minutes ago." Zayn said while pointing to a square tile in the floor.

"Shit. We need men at shore now. You guys go down there. Find him!" Fraser shouted. "I'll get these guys to safety."

One of the agents lifted the door open and walked down the latter.

I held Zayn in my arms, wrapping him in the ratty old blanket he was left with. I helped him from the bed and carried him up the stairs.

We made it outside and I didn't let go of him the entire time.

As we approached the van, Zayn nuzzled his head to my neck, "I love you, Eli." He whispered.

"Thank you for saving me." He smiled and closed his eyes.

"Eli! Zayn!" Luke yelled as he ran to us. "You found him! Oh my god!"

I smiled and broke into tears as my grip on Zayn tightened.

"I told you I'd get him back."

A/N: Poor Zayn has been through so much😭. Finally Eli got his man back, hopefully they can get Castillo before it's too late 🥺

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