Erasing my slate I noticed the class go quiet and looked up to see Mister Phillips not at the front of the classroom. Instead he was standing and waiting patiently by Coles desk. Cole having not noticed him continued, what I supposed was, sketching. He was so entranced with his drawing that he had still not noticed the teacher giving him an intimidating glare. "Do you think it's funny?"

I was confused by the question seeing as there was nothing funny at all about the situation.

At the teachers words Cole had looked up and around the classroom to see everyone's focus on the two. He met my eyes and I gave him an encouraging smile. It wasn't easy facing a punishment especially in front of the whole class.

Mister Phillips followed Coles eyes and looked at me. As much as I wanted to I didn't cower under his stare as a menacing smile reached his lips. "I do not spend all this time teaching for you not to be paying attention."

I looked back at Anne to see what she thought but her face was blank and void of emotion. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Mister Phillips took the piece of paper from under Coles slate and held it up to inspect. He raised an eyebrow at the drawing and I could hear snickering from around him. It was obvious they found it amusing but before anymore of us could see he threw it in the fire. I let out a gasp along with most everyone as we stared at the paper turning to ash.


I couldn't bring myself to talk to him at lunch. Not when I knew he needed space and time to himself. But for another reason all together as i heard murmurs every time I passed someone by. So as I watched him carefully I waited to talk to him after school. Which was the first thing I did as the teacher dismissed us.

Packing my things in a hurry I ignored the questions trailing after me by my friends and headed towards Cole. He looked like he needed someone to talk to. "Hi, I'm Y/n—"

"I know," he said cutting me off mid sentence. My eyebrows raised on their own in surprise. How could he have already known who I am? It was like he was reading my thoughts as he answered, "I was talking to Anne earlier."

I nodded in acknowledgment at his answer. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"It's just a piece of paper," he said in a dismissive way I couldn't help but think he was lying. But rather than pushing for an explanation like I normally would have I let it go. Pursing my lips I watched as he packed his things and started walking to the exit. Following behind I could see him spare glances back at me before turning around. "I should get going."

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" From the constant movement of his eyes I could tell he was trying to avoid something. But before I could take back my words he nodded in agreement. Giving him a smile I took a hold of my belongings and walked with him out the door. After a moment of silence I felt it was only right to ask him a few questions. "You like drawing?"

I looked at him for a response and he gave it to me with a nod of his head. "I couldn't help but be curious about what you were drawing in class earlier."

It was more of a question to get him talking but it seemed that it only made him quieter. He didn't answer and I supposed that was the way he was. He would probably need a minute to open up to me of it was anything personal. We were two different people. Whereas I would proudly talk about my art he seemed like the opposite. "I wouldn't call myself an artist but I dabble in the arts."

"Dabble?" He asked as if that one word was the only one he had caught on to. I let out a laugh at the expression on his face, confusion all over. And that confusion turned to amusement at how entertaining he was. "I was drawing you."

awae imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें