Chapter 36

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"The what?" I asked the doctor again not sure if I heard him right.

"The do not resuscitate" the doctor said and looked at Elodie.

"I know what it means, I don't understand why she needs it" I said.

"You see Mr.Lucarelli, your wife was unconscious for quite some time and were not sure if that didn't damage her brain. She was also very hypothermic when she came in and it was really hard for us to get a stable heartbeat" he said.

"I'm afraid she might be brain dead, which means, that she wouldn't be able to live without these machines, she would never wake up" he continued on.

"I suggest you sign the DNR and let her pass naturally if she comes to that" the doctor said and I couldn't bare to listen to another word coming out of his mouth.

"No, I will not be signing anything" I said and stood up.

"You listen up doctor, you will do everything in your power to make her live, to make her wake up and I don't care how much money that cost, I'll buy the whole damn hospital if I have to, but you are not going to give up on her" I almost shouted from how much anger was inside of me.

"Do you understand?" I said and the doctor shook his head 'yes'.

"Alright then, it's up to her wether she wakes up or not" he said and walked out of the room and then I took a few deep breaths and went back to Elodie.

"Elodie, if you can hear me, please wake up, I know you can do it, you've survived so much, don't let this be your last fight" I said.

"Fight for Elio, fight for me my love" I said and brushed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me, I'm sorry for not being able to protect you the way I should, I'm sorry I didn't give us a chance from the very beginning"

"I'm sorry I was a jerk, I'm sorry about everything you have ever wanted me to apologise about"

"I love you Elodie, I love you so much that it kills me, I would do anything to make us swap our places right now"

"Please wake up" I say and rest my head on her arm.

2 weeks later

"You need to go home Renzo" my sister said to me.

"What if she wakes up" I said and looked at Elodie who was sleeping the same as two weeks ago.

"Maybe bring Elio to see her, it might help her improve" she suggested "he's been asking to see his mom" she then added on.

"It will only traumatise him" I said.

"Actually, it might help Elodie" the doctor said and came in the room.

"Hearing her sons voice may improve her chance of waking up" the doctor said and me and my sister both looked at him.

"So far there hasn't been too much improvement in her condition, so maybe it's a good idea to bring in the closed family" the doctor then said.

"She's not dying" I said and got up from the chair.

"I'll go after Elio" I said and walked out of the hospital room in which Elodie was sleeping in.

I drove to the house and wasn't even able to walk inside Elodie's room, everything there had stayed just the way she had left it.

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