Chapter 6

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I went to sleep and woke up by 10pm my head was feeling heavy so I took some painkillers.

"Did you get drunk during the day?" Devon asked.

"No" I said sarcastically and took the pills.

"What's up?" I asked her as I sat besides her on the couch and looked at the TV.

"Nothing" she said and gave me a soft smile.

There was a moment of silence as we both watched TV and then I remembered what I had done.

"Shit" I groaned to myself but Devon could hear.

"What is it?" She said with a little laugh.

"I have to go to Sicily with my boss" I said and held my head in my hands.

"Is this a business thing or..?" She asked me.

"No I have to pretend to be his girlfriend" I said and rolled my eyes.

"Damn" Devon said and turned another channel on.

"The night he brought me from the ball he forgot his keys and I called him to let him know" I started to say and Devon listened carefully.

"He was with a girl" I finished.

"He came after the keys with another girl???" She asked me moving so she would be facing me.

"No, I heard her call him 'baby' in the background of our call" I said and pulled a decorative pillow in my lap.

"Do you think he has an actual girlfriend?" She then asked me curious.

"No clue, but it would seem so" I said and looked out the window overlooking the dark city.

"Why is he asking you to pretend to be his girlfriend then, it doesn't make sense" she said and also looked away from me.

"I really don't know Devon" I said. "Either way it doesn't matter because it's his business and I just have to do what he asks as I do get paid for it" I said and put the pillow back on the couch.

"Anyway I'm gonna go back to sleep" I said and stood up.

"Okay, goodnight" Devon said and she seemed a little concerned but she probably was just shock by what I had just told her.

"Goodnight" I said and walked back into my bedroom falling on the bed.

I crawled under the blankets and took my phone. I put on some slow songs to listen in my earphones. And scrolled trough social media.

'You up?' Was a message I received from Gio.

'Yes' I simply replied and went back to scrolling social media.

'Wanna meet?' Was the next thing he texted me.

I though hard about going out. I was tired and had work tomorrow. But then again I could use a friend at the office. With everything going on I wanted to let loose for a second.

'Sure' I replied.

I got out of the bed and pulled on some blue mom jeans with a plain white T-shirt. I put on some mascara and went to leave. I put on some sneakers and took my leather jacket in case I get cold.

I walked to the bus stop and waited for a bus to come. I drove to the spot where we had agreed to meet and the bus was almost empty as it was really late.

"Hi" Gio said just as soon as I stepped out of the bus and pulled me in a friendly hug.

"Hi Gio" I said and pulled away after returning the hug.

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