Chapter 27

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Elodie's POV:

"Talk to me Renzo" I said and he finally looked up at me.

"They know about him" he said and I was only even more confused.

"Who?" I asked him.

"That's why they've been snooping around your shop, they are looking for Elio, they know he's my heir" he said and everything now made sense. I didn't even think of this and now I was scared and feeling guilty.

"What are we going to do?" I said.

"Pack your things, you two are staying with me" Renzo said now in a very serious tone.

"Renzo we can't" I said remembering that Stephanie lives there too.

"Elodie this time you don't have a say in this" he said showing his bossy side.

"Don't talk to me like that Renzo" I warned him crossing my arms in front of me.

"Elodie, please just go pack your things, this is not up for discussion" he said exhaustedly.

"What about Stephanie?" I dared to ask.

"What about her?" He asked me.

"I'm sure she wouldn't be happy knowing we are staying in her house" I said keeping my composure.

"My priority right now is to keep you and my son safe" he said calmly but I could see he was starting to loose his patience with me.

"I've kept him pretty safe myself, and you only now found out about him and now want to be a daddy?"  I said and only then realised I shouldn't have said that.

"And who's fault is that, that I'm finding out only now huh? Trust me I wish I could of been here when he was born, when he started to crawl, when he said his first word and seen his first step. Trust me I wish I could of been his daddy from the moment he was born." He said and now he was mad, really mad.

"Trust me I wish I could of been here for it all but we can't have everything we want can we? So go pack your things and let's go" he said demandingly and I felt my heart break. He was right, I kept Elio away from him and I can't blame him for wanting to be a father now because he never knew he even was one before.

I walked into the living room without saying a word to him and went over to Elio. I picked him up and went to change him into normal clothes and packed both our stuff.

"Ready?" Renzo asked now calm and I only nodded 'yes' and he took the bags from me and we left to go to his car.

He put the car seat from my car into his and I strapped Elio in. I sat in the back with him as we drove to Renzo's house. The road was quite, we didn't talk at all. I knew he was still mad and I felt like I needed to apologise.

We pulled up and as always without doubt Renzo opened the door for me and I walked to take Elio while he took out our bags.

We walked up to the door and he let us in and Stephanie was walking down the large stairs in her silk robe and she looked surprised when she was all three of us.

"Renzo what the hell is going on?" She said and I could see how furious she was.

"They are staying with us Stephanie" Renzo said calmly but I could see that he had a headache from all of us.

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