Chapter 16

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It was Sunday and Renzo drove me home in the afternoon after we had spent the weekend at his house.

I wore the same dress I came here in as I had no other clothes with me and I've been walking in Renzo's shirts when I was at his house.

We drove up to my house and as usual he got out to open the door for me.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow morning" he said and held onto my waist.

"Okay" I said and he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"Bye" I said and turned to walk into my house and we held hands until they didn't reach anymore. He smiled and watched me leave.

I walked up to my apartment and got the keys to unlock it. I walked inside it seemed like no one was home.

I went to my room and changed clothes into something more comfy and went to make some food.

"Hi dad" I picked up my phone.

"Hi, how are you doing Elie" he said and called me by my childhood nickname he and mom had given me.

"I'm good dad, how are you?" I asked him holding the phone with my shoulder as I stirred the pan.

"I'm good, are you coming to Venice on Wednesday?" He asked me and then I remembered that it was my moms birthday on Wednesday and every year we go visit her grave and then go out to a her favourite cafe and celebrate as if she was still here.

"Yes, I'll come dad" I said and felt a sudden sadness wash over me.

"Is your boss gonna let you take free days so soon? You just started working there" he said a little worried.

"I'm sure he'll be fine without me for a couple of days" I said and turned off the stove.

"Okay, I don't want you to loose your job I know how important it is to you" he said still worrying about me taking some days off work.

"I won't loose my job for taking a few days off dad" I said trying to reassure him.

"I know but you want to leave a good impression on your boss, and taking time off work so soon isn't one of the ways to do it" he said and I rolled my eyes. 'I'm sure I've given him a pretty good impression of me' I thought to myself.

"Dad it's gonna be okay" I said and he seemed to calm down.

"Grandma's also coming on Wednesday" he said and I was already excited to see her.

"That's great news, I miss her a lot" I said and started to eat my food when the door opened and Devon came in.

"Dad I have to go, Devon just came back home" I said as I saw Devon with messy hair and red eyes.

"Okay Elie, call me some other day and let me know where to pick you up on Wednesday" he said.

"Okay, love you, dad" I said and he said it back and then I hung up.

"Devon, what happened?" I asked her and walked over to her worriedly.

"I don't know, I don't remember anything" she said and looked at me with fear in her eyes.

"Where's Hugo? Did he do all this?" I asked her and helped her walk over to the couch to sit down.

"No, I was leaving his place and I felt really dizzy and after that I don't remember anything" she said and seemed terrified.

"Where's your phone?" I asked her.

"I don't have anything on me, just my clothes" she said with almost tears in her eyes.

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