Chapter 14

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"I'm so ready to go out" Devon said as she straightened my hair by the kitchen table.

"Yeah, me too" I said not paying too much attention to what she was saying.

I had taken my work computer home to finish one document before the weekend starts. I was paying my full attention to it and barely heard what Devon was saying half the time.

"Elodie, will you put that down, it's Friday" she said and pointed at my computer.

"I just need 10 more minutes and I'm done" I said making the last changes to the document.

"I was thinking we could switch up clubs tonight and try something new where we've never been before." Devon said and put down the hairs straightener.

"Sure" I said and finished my work.

"Is Hugo coming?" I asked her turning off my laptop and closing it.

"Yes" she said and her voice sounded happy and I could feel that she was blushing without needing to see her.

"You really like him huh?" I asked her and slightly laughed at how in love she was acting.

"I mean he is my boyfriend after all" she said and went to sit in front of me with her makeup bag.

"I never thought you would actually get together" I said and took an eyeshadow paletteto use the small mirror in it to see my face and started doing my makeup.

"Yeah it's crazy how everything works out" she said and was putting on eyeliner.

"You never told me what happened in Sicily" she then said not breaking eye contact with the mirror.

"I told him I had caught feeling and he walked away from me not saying a word" I said and aplied foundation.

"No way, he actually just walked away?" She said and this time actually looked at me.

"Yeah, we were skinny dripping and he just walked out of the water and then back to the house" I said and looked at Devon who now was listening to what I was saying and dropped everything she was doing for a second.

"Did you have sex?" She then asked me.

"No" I laughed and continued to tell her what had happened. I told her about Milana and the day in the office.

"And what's going on now between you two?" She asked me returning to her makeup after I finished my story.

"Nothing, haven't seen him since everyone saw us fight" I said and opened my mascara.

"Why come?" She asked.

"We just haven't met and that's all" I said "I think I heard someone say that he wasn't even at the office the last couple of days" I said and applied the mascara I had opened.

"That's weird don't you think?" She asked me and also finished up with her makeup.

"We might of spend some time together but I don't really know him, I don't know what's out of character for him. Maybe he doesn't come to the office every day, how would I know" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"That's true" Devon said and gave me a glass of wine.

"Do you miss him?" She then asked and sat by the table putting her feet up on the chair and looking at me.

"I don't know Devon, I miss seeing him around but I have to get used to that, the fake dating thing is over" I said and sipped on the wine she had given me.

There was a moment of silence when we both were deep in our thoughts. I did miss him and I didn't want to admit it but I had to let him go. I finished my glass on that thought and then went to put on some music and find some clothes to wear.

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