Chapter 28

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Renzo's POV:

I went to work and the headache I was having hadn't left me ever since I brought Elodie and Elio to my house.

I knew the situation wasn't good for any of us but I had to protect Elio and Elodie. I had to know how many people knew about him and make it clear in the underground world that he is my son, the heir of the Lucarelli mafia and that if anyone dares to touch him or his mother the ground under their feet would burn with them.

And to do that I knew I had to get help from my whole family, even the extended one and I already didn't want to tell them. Not because I didn't want them to know that I have a son but because I knew how many lectures I would get about it.

"Hey mom" I said over the phone.

"Hey Renzo, is everything okay?" She asked me clearly hearing the nervousness in my voice.

"Yeah, I have something to tell you guys, can we have a family dinner this week?" I said going straight to the point.

"Okay, does this Friday sound good?" She asked me.

"Yes mom"  I said already dreading Friday.

"Okay, I'll call everyone and let them know" she said.

"Thank you mom" I said and we hung up after saying our goodbyes.

Elodie's POV:

I decided to go look at my shop but I left Elio home with the guards as I didn't want to risk something happening to him.

I drove to the shop and walked in Lori greeting me just as soon as she saw me.

"Hey, I was about to go looking for you, you hadn't returned any of my calls" she said after giving me a hug.

"I'm sorry, a lot happened yesterday" I said and we both walked into the back room and sat by the table.

"Tell me" she said and was about to pour some tea but I shook my head and pointed to the champagne.

"That bad?" She said and opened the bottle of champagne.

"The worst" I said and she came over to me with glasses.

"Elio's father, Renzo, found out about him" I said as she sat by the table.

"I don't understand how is that bad?" She said.

"He's in a relationship with a woman who hates children and now he is making us stay with them to keep Elio safe" I said.

"Why does Elio need protecting?" She asked and sipped from her glass of champagne.

"Apparently who ever has been snooping around the shop is looking for Elio" I said and downed the entire glass of champagne.

"Oh no, that's not good" she said and poured another glass for me.

"I know, and now I'm worried about him but also I can't sleep under one roof with him and his girlfriend" I said and let out a breath tapping my nails on the hard surface of the table.

"Does it hurt to see them together?" She asked me.

"Yeah" I said and looked at the bubbles in my glass.

"It's the worst feeling in the world. Being under one roof with the person you care for so much and seeing them with someone else the same time. " I said.

"It hurts to know he's sleeping next to her in the room next to mine" I ranted. "And it fucking hurt to know that once I was the one sleeping in that bed with him" I said and felt all the emotions wash over me.

"I can't imagine how you're feeling right now" Lori said and placed her hand on mine.

"But think about Elio and that you're doing it for him" she said and I saw that she was feeling sorry for me.

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