Chapter 7

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I walked down the two story house and outside of the building and as soon as Renzo had seen me he came over and took my suitcase from me. He placed it in his car and then opened the doors for me to get it.

We drove off and I looked as the building ran by. The car ride was pretty quite. I wasn't much of a talked in the morning anyway so I enjoyed the peace.

"Elodie" Renzo spoke up and I turned my head to face him.

"M?" Was all I said.

"Are you sure you're okay doing this?" He asked me and took a quick glance at me before looking back at the road.

I couldn't help but notice his arm muscles flex as he turned the steering wheel. He was everything a girl could want in a man how was he still walking around single.

"Yeah" I simply replied and gave him a reassuring smile which he returned and I went to look back out the window.

We reached the office and he went to open the door for me as always. We walked to the building and entered it. The lady who worked at the reception looked up and when she noticed both of us walk in together her mouth slightly fell open but she quickly gathered herself and greeted her boss and me.

We walked over to the elevator and Renzo pushed the button of the elevator and we waited for it to come.

"Do we finish work early or the same time as usual today?" I asked to not look awkward for others while we wait for the elevator.

"I was planning on leaving at 3" he said and looked at me.

I just nodded my head and the elevator doors opened. Renzo slightly touched my back as a gesture to enter the elevator before he did and I did.

We walked inside and he pressed two buttons, one to my floor and one to his.

The doors closed and we started to move.

"Was that your friend peaking out the window when we left?" He then asked me out of the blue.

"What?" I asked him confused and turned my face so I would be looking at him. He giggled at my confused expression and turned away his gaze from me.

"There was a girl in the second floor window staring as you left with me" he said holding his posture straight entering his boss mode.

"Yeah, probably, sorry about that" I said and slightly felt embarrassed by what Devon had done.

"It's okay" he said and the doors to the elevator opened.

I looked at him and he gave me a sweet smile before I walked off the elevator and troughs the hallway to my office.

I took out my keys and put them into keyhole when someone tapped me on the shoulder and scared me.

"Gio, don't scare me like that" I said as I had turned to see him and he only laughed.

I unlocked my door and walked in turning on the light and Gio rested his body in the doorframe and looked at me as I put down my purse and took off my jacket.

"What did you want?" I ask him as I see he isn't leaving and I went to sit down on my chair and turn on my computer.

"Nothing just say you come in and though I'd say hi" he said and walked in my office.

"Saw you take an elevator ride with Mr.grumpy, how was it?" He asked me and I looked at him raising one of my eyebrows.

"I mean was it awkward? He usually rides alone" he said and sat on the fabric chair in my office.

"Yeah, it was pretty awkward" I said and looked down at my computer to avoid his eye contact.

No one at the office knew I've been pretending to be his girlfriend and I don't anyone should know so I had to keep my cool and pretend like I only knew him on boss level.

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