Resting their foreheads together, Seokjin succeeded in coaxing an hysterically laughter out of Jungkook, as he tickled him across and down his sides.

"S-stop" Jungkook chortled out, unable to keep his composure.

"Answer me, and then I'll stop, did I promise you a kiss my Jeonguk?" He questions again, this time taking Jungkook's bottom lip inbetween his teeth.

Jungkook nodded gently, and his heart instantly leaped for Joy when Seokjin connected their lips together in a gentle, yet super sensational kiss. Their lips merged together like they were meant to be, just like two peas in a pod and this feeling made Jungkook's insides tingle with such an unexplainable and ecstatic feeling.

When Seokjin eventually broke the kiss, Jungkook was too far gone in the moment that he practically chased after Seokjin's lips again absentmindedly, his arms loosely wounding around the man's neck as he kissed him even deeper.

Eventually pulling apart, Seokjin stared at the flushed boy under his hooded gaze, with a sinister smirk playing on his lips, "I thought you were in pain Jeonguk? Why were you just about to eat my face off?" He questions, rubbing the back of his palm over Jungkook's heated cheek.

Leaning into the gentle touch his body was now getting familiar to, Jungkook stares Seokjin in the face, his eyes practically begging, "Y-yea I was" he responds, slightly panting, "but not anymore, I'm not in pain anymore please"

Seokjin chuckled, pinching his cheeks, "Shh, it's time for you to take a warm bath so you can relax okay?" He tried pulling away from Jungkook, but Jungkook wasn't having it, as he swiftly hoisted him still in position, wrapping both legs around his waist.

"I can take a bath later" he muttered underneath his breath, pushing Seokjin's head down so their hot lips connected again.

The kiss eventually grew hotter, and Seokjin lost all ounce of his self control, leaning down to leave  red bruises all over Jungkook's neck and down his chest, alternating between sucking in each of his erect buds and licking long wet strips down his toned abs.

When Seokjin eventually knelt to the floor, Jungkook's breath hitched, knowing what exactly was to come next. But, he was even more surprised when Seokjin took delicate hold of his feet and began kissing up his legs towards his thighs. Each press of his soft plump lips against his burning skin leaving Jungkook absolutely breathless, he was basically a whimpering mess covered in love bites.


"So what do you think?" Seokjin asks, resting his body against the door of Jungkook's new dorm.

Looking around in absolute awe, Jungkook allowed his eyes rake over the gorgeous and well furnished dorm room, starting off with the huge comfortable bed in the middle of the room, an in-built kitchen stocked to the brim with different varieties of food and snacks, then finished off with a computer setup that laid by the side waiting to be explored.

With a loud and excited squeal, Jungkook practically leaped off the floor, Jumping into Seokjin's arms as he appreciatively held him a tight hug.

"I'm guessing this means you like it" Seokjin chuckled, walking further in the room and shutting the door with his feet, as his hands were preoccupied holding Jungkook in place.

Jungkook beamed with absolute excitement, and it showed with the way he bestowed several butterfly kisses all over Kim Seokjin's face, "Are you kidding me? I love love love it, thank you so much! Daniel is gonna hang out here every single day, I can already see it" he blabbers on and on, still holding on to Seokjin like his life depended on it.

"I'm glad you like it, seeing you happy makes me happy too" Seokjin added, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Well, do you know what people say when you get or move into a new place?" Jungkook questions, wiggling his brows at Seokjin.

Corking his neck sideways, Seokjin eyes the boy rather curiously, "Nope, what do they say! Please Enlighten me"

"Hmm, well, they say when you move into a new place of buy a new house, it's good for you to you k-now~" he trailed off, tucking his lower lip inbetween his teeth.

This action forces a fond smile out of Seokjin, knowing exactly where Jungkook was headed with the conversation, but, he was indeed going to play dumb.

I honestly don't know if it's inconsiderate of me to be publishing this chapter today, because I know most of us are really sad concerning the boys announcement during the family festa dinner. I honestly do feel they need time too rest as well and focus on themselves because they are humans afterall and not robots, so I'm wholeheartedly glad they took the decision together as a group and as a family, it must have been so hard for them, although it's still quite saddening. But, they did promise to come back as this is not a disbandment anniversary and I sure as hell know they will return even bigger and better. So let's try our best and give each of them all the blessings and the love they deserve, they are literally all angels, and so are we. BTS & ARMY forever💜

P.S: I will gladly take down this chapter if this is a wrong or inappropriate time you guys.

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