The Emperor's Secret - Part Four

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Arthit looked at the person seated adjacent to him pointedly. He was still waiting for his explanation. Crossing his arms, he huffed loudly, making the other open his eyes.


Kong sighed. How was he going to do this without giving it all away?

"I can't tell you why just yet, but as you probably already guessed, I have a fair amount of enemies who want me dead." Kong started slowly, there really was no easy way to do this and it was giving him a headache.

"I come from a very.. Influential family. My father hated me so I was sent to fight in the military with a relative friend of his. But this also meant that I've been fighting battles since I was 16. Those scars you saw.. Were from then."

"Why? Why would your father do that to you? And those people yesterday? Who were they?" Arthit asked, perplexed. It didn't make any sense.

"Let's just say I come from a very old and powerful family. That means we have enemies aplenty and friends a mere handful. I have my suspicions on who those people were but I don't have any evidence just yet."

"Who Kong?" Arthit persisted, eyes now ablaze. Kong recognised that look. It meant that he wasn't going to let the matter go. Kong groaned again, shifting a little to the side.

Side eying the musician, he patted the space beside him. "Can you come sit here? My wounds are beginning to hurt again. I need to lean on something if we are going to go into that topic."

Arthit hurried over to Kong's side, attempting to inspect discreetly. Kong patted his thigh comfortingly as he dropped his head upon Arthit's shoulder. As expected, the musician may have been lean, but his shoulders were broad and comfortable.

"It's my older brother."

"What?!" Arthit shrieked, causing Oak to poke his head questioningly through the crack of the door before Kong waved him off. "Why would he do such a thing?"

"Because we're half brothers. And I am a threat to his.. Inheritance."

"Do people even do such things? It's unbelievable. I mean, the older sisters used to tell me stories. Of the various nobles and their family lives but to the extent of assassination? I think yours takes the cake Kong."

Kong shrugged. "I grew up this way, so I guess I never bothered to question it past a certain age anymore."

"I was always envious of the nobles who visited the brothel. I hated my life. Why did my birth status determine the way I had to live my life? No offence to you but some of them were a real piece of work. They even smacked some of the girls around and threw money at their faces to keep them quiet. I wanted so much to be on equal footing with them then. But at least I was happy and safe. Mama and the rest of the ladies were always nice to me. They doted on me as though I was their own. We took care of each other."

Reaching out to cradle Kong's hand in his, he continued. "I'm sorry you had to live like that. I won't betray you or leave you, I promise. I can't imagine the constant fear you live in."

"You'll start to feel numb after a while. You build walls because you no longer know who you can trust." Kong said quietly, pausing for a moment before he dared to ask his next question. "Will you really stay by me regardless?"

Arthit nodded, making Kong smile as he let himself drift off to sleep, the constant wobble of their carriage and the warmth in his hand comforting him. Maybe this was the only hand he needed to hold for the rest of his life.


As soon as Kong had fully recovered, Arthit had practically coerced him into teaching him martial arts and sword fighting. But going by the current position they were in, Kong was glad he hadn't suggested for Aim to teach Arthit instead.

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