Good Morning - Part One

368 36 16

Day One - "No, please stay"

Warnings and Author's Note:

Between current work and job hunting and well, life, I haven't had much time to write. This one isn't quite done yet but I hope to finish this small thing by the end of this week.

This is basically a little canon divergence of what happened if Arthit didn't show at the aiport at the end of Our Skyy. Angst is to be expected but with my trademark happy ending!


Soft lips landed on Kongpob's cheeks leaving a trail of tiny kisses along his jawline. He nuzzled further into his pillow and stretched out an arm, instinctively reaching to drag the warmth next to him closer.

The body next to his scooted in tight and the kisses continued, each press lasting a fraction of a second longer. Kongpob hummed in satisfaction, running his fingers under the other's shirt to stroke the skin lying under it.

"P'Arthit," he mumbled, right as the lips were about to meet his.

And the kiss he was waiting for never came. The body under his hand froze and Kongpob finally opened his eyes.

Only to be met with a pair of teary ones.

"Ken.. I-"

"I can't do this anymore, Kong." Ken hurriedly wiped the tears that escaped, scrambling off the bed.

"Ken," Kongpob started again but stopped once the other turned around to face him, tears streaming.

"I thought I could do this Kong, I really thought I could. But right now, it isn't about me."

Kongpob tried to take a step towards the younger man but Ken stepped backwards out of his reach.

"You never once let him out of your heart. I had no chance of even getting in did I?" The younger man said sadly, shaking his head. "I thought when you finally let me stay over last night, even if we didn't do anything, we were making progress."

"Ken, I feel comfortable when I'm with you, I really do."

"Comfortable. That's the problem, Kong." Ken chuckled sadly. "I don't blame you, I knew you had a past. I just thought.."

Kongpob fell silent, unable to form any more words. He knew he was being unfair to the other when he agreed to trying a relationship with him. But Ken had made him feel more comfortable than anyone had in the last three years. So when Ken asked him, he had agreed to trying even though he knew he wasn't ready.

"I'm sorry Ken. It was unfair of me to have agreed in the first place. I-"

"Don't, Kong," Ken cut in, shaking his head. "We were friends before this, we will still be friends after this."

Kongpob nodded, watching the other walk towards the door.

"But Kong?" Ken stopped short of the door. "Can you promise me something?"

Turning around, Ken pointed at the mannequin that was holding onto a two-toned gear. "Promise me you'll go talk to him. You and I both know who's the person you really love."

With that, the younger smiled and left, leaving Kongpob to stare at the gear mournfully. If only Ken knew.. How much he actually tried.


A small breath tickled Arthit's ear as he scrunched his nose and brought a hand up to rub at it. The sensitive ear turned red instantly and a small snort could be heard. Another small puff was blown on it, causing the half asleep man to duck under the covers.

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