Love in a Pencil and a Brush - Part Three

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"Woah, how did you know about this place?" Arthit asked, looking around with curiosity. The studio they were now standing in was attached to one of the most prestigious galleries in the city. "And how did we even get permission to use it?"

"I called in a couple of favours. It'll do right?" Kongpob smiled rounding on the other guy who was still busy observing the area.

"It'll do? Kongpob, this is amazing! Everything here is so professional! Who did you even call in favours from? How am I even going to pay you for all these?"

"Good." Kongpob chuckled as he pushed Arthit into a chair. "Did you bring your stuff? Just some old friends, you know how it goes. You don't have to worry about paying me anything, I'm doing this because I want to."


"No buts come on now, we don't have much time here, let's make the best of it!"

Arthit nodded, pulling out a blank canvas and his paints. He hummed happily as he ran a hand across them, setting up as quickly as he could. Paints and brushes were still his comfort zone.


"Yep. I'm way more comfortable with paints. Charcoal really isn't my forte. It's all too.. Cold and dreary." He imitated a small shiver, causing Kongpob to chuckle once more.

"That sounds like you alright," Kongpob muttered under his breath before he straightened up. "I'm going to go get ready first, you can complete your set up too."

Arthit nodded, suddenly feeling a little shy again at the prospect that Kongpob was about to be naked in front of him again. He mentally chided himself. He was supposed to be professional. PROFESSIONAL. He chanted the word repeatedly to himself as he went about setting up his station.

He was surprised beyond words when Kongpob had agreed without even a question when had asked him to be his model the last time. It even caused him to stay silent for a few moments till the other waved a hand in front of him to snap him out of his stupor. The only condition he had was that he was only able to model for him twice a week so Arthit had to manage his time well.

Humming, Arthit pulled up a song on his playlist, allowing the soft music to reverb throughout the room. Since it was just Kongpob and him, he figured it'll be okay to play a little music to lighten the mood.

"No dancing this time?" Kongpob's voice soon appeared at his ear side, shocking him once again.

"Kongpob!" Arthit yelped, "you really have to stop scaring me like that!" Clutching his heart, he made a show of collapsing, causing Kongpob to laugh out loud. Frowning, he grumbled. "It's mean to laugh at the person whom you nearly caused a heart attack."

"Okay okay I'm sorry." Kongpob held his hands up, surrendering, "but I really was expecting a little," he did a little wiggle before stepping onto the platform.

"Kongpooob," Arthit whined as he thudded his head on the canvas in front of him. "You're never going to let me live it down are you?"

"Nope. It's fun." Pulling up the chair, Kongpob grinned as he played with the belt on his robe. "Have you decided what pose you would like me to do today?"

Arthit hummed, tapping on his chin. "Nope, I'll leave you to it. But pick something you'll be comfortable in. Since I'm doing paints instead of charcoal, we'll probably end up taking quite a few weeks instead of just a single session if I were to complete this properly for my final year project."

"You're seriously using me as your subject for your final year work?" Kongpob asked, voice raising a couple notches.

"Mm, I want to challenge myself. I don't want to use the normal scenery art style that I'm already good at. I want to try to express something else this time."

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