Partners - Part Three

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“LET ME AT HIM KONG, LET ME GO!” Arthit practically screeched but was caught promptly by Kongpob mid jump by the waist and hauled back towards the corner where their bed sat. 

“P’Arthit, you can’t go causing more trouble, Boss warned you the other day.” Kongpob sighed. He wanted nothing more than to let the tiger out of his cage but he knew better than to do that.

“No shit sherlock but he’s a fucking dickhead! Why didn’t you let me bite it off when I had the chance! Kong, it was just there!” Arthit grouched out, still trying to physically fight off the stronger younger male. 

“Nope, I still very much enjoy fucking you and I don’t plan on changing partners so we can’t have you thrown in jail.” The younger man piped, habitually draping the covers over Arthit’s shoulder but strangely tucking the end under him this time - not that the fuming Arthit noticed. 

“Here we go,” he cooed at him, then suddenly lifting him to the other side of the bed, Kongpob began to smoothly roll Arthit from one end to the other, effectively using the blanket to swaddle the now cursing man.

“Kong! What the fuck! Let me go! What in the world?” Arthit swore, sentence after sentence as he struggled against the cloth. But it was too late, Kongpob had gotten off the bed and began walking towards the other pair.

“Hey John,” Kongpob called out, stepping out towards the other man, giving a friendly smile towards Tod who was desperately clawing at John’s arm.

Shaking his partner off, the taller man smirked as he strode in turn towards Kongpob, clearly expecting a fight. It was clear what his plan was. If Kongpob had been blacklisted as a porn actor, Arthit would be free for the taking. Well too bad for John that Kongpob wasn’t the type to explode and hit someone. That was Arthit, who was now a complete resemblance of a sushi roll. 

“Hey, let’s get this clear. You pull that kind of shit one more time on Arthit and I’ll make sure that you never get to see another camera lens again. You hear me?” Kongpob spoke smoothly, crossing his arms in front of him as he smiled a sinister smile.

“The likes of you?” John scoffed. “All you newbies think you’re all that. My reputation supersedes yours, young one.” 

“Oh you mean the one of you being an asshole? Yeah, I won’t fight you for that, you can have it. So unless you can do this,” Kongpob stated, yanking the taller guy downwards to him by the neck. He proceeded to mash their lips together, forcing John to submit till he was pliant and wanting more, “you don’t deserve to touch Arthit.”

Then, making a show of checking out John from head to toe, Kongpob belatedly added.

"Old man."

Turning on his heel away from the very confused John who was now touching his lips in a dazed manner, he marched back towards his bundled kitten who was now looking more like an angry lion at the moment.

“What the fuck was that for?” Arthit glared at the other who had returned to their bed, hands resuming their ever marauding path on his body after he had very unapologetically unravelled him from the prison he had put him in.

“I only did it to prove a point,” Kongpob shrugged nonchalantly, running his fingers over Arthit’s beautiful thigh. “He needed to know that he would never be able to please and bring out your reactions like I can, regardless of what he thinks he can do.”

The cameras were now focused on the other couple but they could still hear the director’s unamused yelling at John who clearly had issues performing after having been shown by Kongpob how severely lacking he had been. More fluffers were called in to assist at this point and Kongpob sniggered to himself, returning his attention back to the other man who was now fuming for some reason.

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