The Emperor's Secret - Part Fifteen

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"What brings Your Highness to my lowly palace?" Lady Prin drawled as she pretended to stand but stumbled weakly backwards.

Prae resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she watched the concubine in front of her put on a show on her own. Smiling graciously, she held out her hands to the other. "Don't stand, sister. The baby is your utmost priority right now."

Prin smirked triumphantly as she bowed slightly, thanking Prae for her graciousness. Gently sitting herself down on the seat, she sniffed the air slightly. Scrunching her nose, she pretended to be nauseous.

"I'm so sorry, Your Highness," Prin drawled as she called for her maid's attention with a flick of a wrist. The attendant quickly moved to the incense burner where more powder was added and the smell of sickly sweet cinnamon quickly filled the room. "It seems that the fragrance that Your Highness uses upsets my senses. I hope you don't mind me using more of my own preferred fragrance in my burner. It seems that cinnamon is the only smell that doesn't irk me lately."

Prae stiffened at the smell. It was a known fact that she hated the scent of cinnamon and all the ladies of the inner palace had been warned of this. It was clear that Lady Prin was doing it on purpose. Taking a slow deep breath, Prae willed herself to stay calm. There was a bigger battle to fight here.

Smiling back sweetly, she shook her head. "Of course not, we have to make sure you're comfortable. After all, I am just a guest in your palace."

Taking a small sip of the bowl of bird's nest that had been brought to her, Prin turned to Prae, bowl in hand. "So what brings Your Highness here today?" She asked, as she sipped away at her dessert, not offering her guest any. Prae's attendant moved to chide the concubine but was stopped with Prae's small hand movement. It was disrespectful to not offer a guest something to eat while the host was dining, let alone the Empress. Lady Prin was making it obvious that she now saw herself above Prae just because she was pregnant.

"Dear me, where are my manners?" Prae simpered, patting the other's lap. "I brought a gift for you, dear sister. Do continue eating, I will have them bring it in."

Prin nodded, pleased as she continued sipping. Looking eagerly at the door, she was soon shocked by the sight in front of her. The bowl of bird's nest landed on the floor with a sharp cling as the ceramic bowl shattered, splattering the contents everywhere.

"Oh my, are you okay my dear?" Prae asked in feigned concern.

"Wh-what is this? Why did you bring him here?" Prin's hands shook as she grabbed hold of her robes, balling them in her fist.

"Oh, I did say I was bringing a present right? Where's the other one? How could you only bring half of my gifts like this? How am I going to answer to my dear sister?" Prae called out in excitement, waving for Lin to drag in the other person through the door.

Prin gasped in horror as the next person that came collapsing in her hall was none other than her personal maid who had followed her since she was a child.

"Min! Wh-Who! Who did this to her!" Prin exclaimed, making a move to go towards her attendant that was now sprawling on the floor in agony but was stopped by Lin who had moved to her side, keeping her butt firmly planted to her seat.

"Ah? You do recognise her too then?" Prae said nonchalantly, inspecting her gown in fear that the spilled food had sullied it.

"How could you have done this to her!" Prin hissed, glaring at the Empress who now had a scary glint in her eye.

"My dear, all I did was capture and interrogate a maid and a general who have conspired to lie to the Emperor."

"Lie? Who- What are you talking about!" Prin's face paled drastically.

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