The Emperor's Secret - Part Thirteen

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The chitter chatter of the marketplace made Arthit's hand tighten around Kongpob's, the long sleeves of the robes hiding their linked hands from plain sight. Kongpob grinned, watching his husband's excitement bubble. He had forgotten what it was like out on the road with Arthit, the way it was before they had returned to the palace. Hulling Dae further up in his arms, they walked around as Arthit eyed the stalls, looking at the various trinkets on sale.

"A pendant for your wife?" The shopkeeper piped up happily. It was evident that the couple in front of him was well to do and he wasn't gonna let them slip by.

Kongpob sniggered lightly, tugging on Arthit's hand as the other tried to dislodge himself from his grip. Bending down lower, he murmured in Arthit's ear. "Choose one." Even though he couldn't see it through the veil, he knew Arthit was probably fully flushed to his eartips and he wanted so badly to kiss him senseless. But since both his hands were occupied, he settled for tightening his grip on the musician and smiling as a fair hand reached out to touch the pendants, turning a few of them over in his hand to look at the designs. By the time they were done, they had a total of 4 pendants tucked away in a small pouch hanging from Arthit's waist.

"Why the female designs too? They didn't seem like your type." Kongpob enquired as they walked away, Dae craning over his shoulder to peer at the candy art stall they were walking by.

"They're for Prae and Lin. Prae told me she rarely got the chance to go out too." Arthit hummed, stopping them and walking backwards to buy a small candy art to place in Dae's stubby fingers. The young child immediately grinned and put the sweet in his mouth, suckling voraciously. Arthit cooed at him, rubbing the little bits of sugar from the sides of his mouth.

"Why are you always so thoughtful about everyone?" Kongpob said admiringly, pulling Arthit close by his waist.

"Stoppit!" Arthit hissed and smacked Kongpob's hand away lightly. Dae cackled happily watching his fathers play, kicking lightly in Kongob's arms making him groan.

"Why are you helping your dad instead of me? I'm the one carrying you around here." Kongpob groaned as he struggled to keep Dae from falling out of his arms, the young child now flailing around in excitement.

Arthit chuckled as he slipped his hand back into Kongpob's, pulling him through the crowd before they reached a small stall where people were throwing hoops at little toys and trinkets on the ground.

"Come on little man, let's get you something." Kongpob said as he set Dae on the ground, the young child was already beginning to eye all the choices available. Dae squealed as he reached out for the hoops that Arthit handed him.

Crouching down behind Dae, Kongpob guided his hand, helping him throw the hoops that landed with small thunks, never landing on anything. While Dae remained ever entertained with the game, Arthit watched as Kongpob's eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

Unwilling to give up even after 5 rounds, Kongpob scowled as he paid for yet another round. He was the Emperor for crying out loud. He had won battles, slain enemies. He was not about to be defeated by this, this little monstrosity of a game on the street! By now he was standing, Dae clinging onto his robes still laughing gleefully as his father missed, hoop after hoop.

Shaking his head, Arthit came up behind him and held his hand, much like the way that he had done with Dae. "Impatient aren't we?" Arthit teased softly in his ear, lightly swinging their hands and watched as the hoop dropped on a little wooden toy that the store owner handed over to the little boy who immediately began investigating it.

"It's just bad luck," Kongpob grumbled, but a foolish smile was plastered on his face as he allowed his husband to guide him over and over, soon winning over so many trinkets that the store owner had refused to allow Kongpob to pay for yet another round.

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