The Emperor's Secret - Part Five

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Kong rubbed his temples, sighing deeply for the umpteenth time. The matter with his elder brother was proving to be more complicated than he had imagined. The numbers of the people who now stood by his side were growing. So much for eradication.

He was going to have to plan his return to the Capital much earlier than expected. And that also indirectly meant he was going to have to tell Arthit the truth soon. That was something he was not prepared to do just yet. He wasn't sure how the other would take it. Arthit may seem subservient but he was far from it. The man had ideas and opinions that would have made him a great leader, had he been born into a different family.

Not to mention, Kong was finding it increasingly difficult to release him as he had planned. No. By this point, it was unimaginable. He wanted more, so much more. He wanted to love Arthit openly to his heart's content but he too knew full well what awaited him the minute he returned home.

As it was, he wasn't sure if the other man even returned his affections. Or if he would still willingly stay by his side after knowing his true identity. He had so much more time in his original plans but now? It was a risk he had to take, like it or not. And the odds were simply terrifying. There was a lot of unknown but what he did know was that he couldn't lose Arthit.

"What are you planning to do now, Sir?" Oak asked.

"Prepare for our return to the Capital." Kong ordered as he stood.

"And Arthit?"

"He will be coming with us." Kong snapped, annoyed. The nerve of his childhood attendant.

"Gotcha." Oak answered in a singsong voice. To think the musician was worried just not too long ago. Kong didn't even hesitate.


"Where are we going now?" Arthit asked, looking out the window. They had never packed up in such a hurry. And going by the speed Oak was driving the carriage, it seemed that they were in a great rush.

"Back to the Capital."

"Back? You live in the Capital, Kong?" Arthit questioned. Time and time again, he was reminded how little of Kong he actually knew. There was a small twinge of guilt that he hadn't shown enough concern for his master.



"You'll see."

Kong knew he was being unfair, he knew that he should have given Arthit a choice. He should be honest with the other man and let him choose his own path. That was the very reason he even bought him in the first place. But right now, he didn't want to give Arthit the chance to run away from him.

Not one bit.

"Are you sure I can come with you?" Arthit's insecurity began bubbling to the surface once more. What was he going to be? Was he going to be an attendant like Oak? Or a musician? Did noble's even keep the likes of a musician in their homes?

"I have my plans. Don't worry." Kong promised as he stretched his hand out to hold Arthit's clammy one tightly. Intertwining their fingers, he spoke again. "We'll be just as we have been, together."

Arthit's face grew hot but he made no move to take his hand back, the warmth of Kong's hand assuring him greatly. Together. He liked the sound of that. No one had ever promised him that they'd always be together.

Following the line of sight from the noble's slender fingers that were holding his securely, Arthit watched as Kongpob breathed heavily, eyebrows furrowed. He itched to raise a hand to smooth out the wrinkle between his brow but quickly turned away when Kong snapped his eyes to his, face blushing profusely.

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