The Emperor's Secret Part Fourteen

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Arthit's mood grew increasingly antsy as while the state's fortune and people flourished over the months, all the court officials began urging Kongpob to take more concubines in hopes that he would have more descendants. It didn't help one bit that all Kongpob wanted to do was place all his attention on making sure Korn did not harm his family.

It wasn't too long that a ridiculous rumour had begun to spread that Kongpob was impotent and thus, was unable to sire more children. One of the officials had publicly called Empress Prae out for being a seductress, keeping the Emperor's attention all to herself to ensure that Crown Prince Dae would forever be the only son in line for the throne.

While Kongpob laughed all of these off, Arthit took them to heart greatly. Physician Li had explained that due to his massive blood loss at Dae's birth, he had suspected that Arthit's reproductive organs may have suffered internal damage and feared that he may never be able to fall pregnant again. Although Kongpob had never said a word about the matter other than his orders to the Physician to keep his husband healthy, Arthit felt an insurmountable amount of guilt. They were back to square one.

He often listened as Prae and Kongpob bantered back and forth about the words of the officials. Kongpob had been adamant. He wasn't willing to even allow Prae to put on yet another pregnancy show with an adoptive child to end it all. He only needed Arthit and Dae in his life. The words of the old farts in court were irrelevant. He wasn't willing to put Prae and the others at more risk with another child just to fulfil their wishes.

"Kong.." Arthit whispered as he plucked at the strings of his guqin mindlessly.

"Hmm?" Kongpob hummed in response, tightening his hold from behind. He stopped nuzzling the other's neck and instead propped his chin upon his shoulder. Arthit hadn't been playing anything in particular but it was nice to hear his tunes again. Kongpob hadn't felt this relaxed in a while.

"Are you sure you don't want to consider Prae's suggestion?"

"Yes. What is wrong with an Emperor only having one child?"


"Arthit, don't start this. I meant it when I said I was going to spend my life with you and you alone. Dae was an unexpected bonus. I was fully ready to choose my heir to the throne from any of my nephews who were worthy of it."

Tilting Arthit's head by his chin, Kongpob angled Arthit's face so that he could stare into his eyes. "As much as I have a role to fulfil as the Emperor, I have another role to play as well. As your husband."

"But an adopted child.."

"A son would be a potential threat to Dae. I don't want to take that chance. Korn is my half brother and look where we ended up. As for a daughter.. Daughters have been used for generations as a form of means for alliance with other families or states in power. It is not what I would wish for my child. If we have a girl, the old foggies will be pressuring me to do would be to marry her off for the greater good of Xuan Lei the second they get the chance." Kongpob said assertively.

Arthit nodded dumbly in return. He had thought that Kongpob was merely being stubborn about his promise to him. He hadn't expected for the other man to have thought things this far. But Kongpob had not grown up the same way he had, it was all second nature to him now.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, pressing a small kiss to Kongpob's cheeks. "If only I could still.."

"Don't be Arthit.." Kongpob said softly. "When Dae was born, I was terrified. I didn't know if I would lose you. I wouldn't make you go through that again if I could. I'm happy with what I have, right here and now. Really. You have already given me so much happiness. Happiness I never knew I could have."

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