Chapter 12

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Atrix above

I walked until sunset with Elora while Trish clung on my back. Several times during our journey, I heard Trish sighing as she laid her head on my back.  It was  getting dark and heavy clouds were gathering. I could smell the moisture in the air and decided to find shelter before it started to rain.

I placed Elora on a tree stump while Trish climbed down from my back. 

"Stay here and watch Elora" I instructed her and  went to find us a place to stay the night. I searched and found nothing substantial within a 2 mile radius. As I was walking back, I found a large oak tree with dense branches. It was better than nothing.

I walked over to the girls and overheard Trish talking to somebody. Curious, I hid behind a tree and focused on the sound of her voice. She was muttering quietly. I had to close my eyes and really listen to what she was saying.

"you are so beautiful, and a real princess too."

 It took me a while to realize that she was talking to E.lora's sleeping frame.

 " Don't worry about anything and sleep for a bit. He won't give up on you and neither will I. "

I walked up to them and Trish looked up at me smiling brightly.

"I found us a place" I said as I gathered Elora in my arms and bent down for Trish to climb on my back. With the 2 of them secured around my body, I walked over to the big tree. Trish climbed down from my back and helped me gather sticks to make a bed for Elora. Since I was carrying Elora in my arms the whole time, the  process took longer and by the time we finished, it had already started raining heavily. We gathered under the dense branches which swayed dangerously with the wind. The whole forest was awake with the sound of the thunder rumbling loudly. I looked over at Elora's sleeping frame. Luckily, vampires don't need to regulate their internal temperatures as she slept peacefully while rain occasionally pelted her thin chemise.

Trish on the other hand was struggling. Both of us were lying down on the cold ground . It was a cramped space but I didn't complain. I could hear her teeth chatter as she shivered next to me. the wind was causing rain to fall in  every direction and even with the cover of thick branches, we found ourselves getting wet. Sleep was hard to come by for us both.

It was well within the night when the thunder storm settled into a gentle drizzle. Trish's breath levelled out and she was finally asleep. I closed my eyes as well when I felt her pushing her body against mine. 

"Hmmble" she muttered something unintelligent as she continued to rub her face against my shoulder. She swung a leg over my waist and clung to my side. I could tell that she was deep asleep by the sound of her breathing and was unconsciously attaching her self to me to seek some warmth. I extended my other hand up and  intertwined  my fingers with Elora.

I smiled as I recalled the night in the dungeons when she came to visit me. It felt like such a long time ago. I missed her eyes, both violet and red. I missed her voice, her smile. I wanted to see my  princess again, to kiss her without getting burned, to feel the passion and intelligence that swirled in her beautiful eyes. 

I sighed as I felt moisture build up in my eyes. Trish seemed to sense my unease as she shifted in her sleep , placing her hand over my heart. The light weight calmed me down as it anchored me in the present. And before long, I too drifted into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up the next morning to realize that my fingers were still intertwined with Elora and Trish was still clinging to my naked chest like a Kaola. I untangled my fingers from Elora and gently shook Trish.

"Trish. wakeup" I said gently. She groaned softly and pulled herself  closer until her chest was flush against mine. She hadn't unbuttoned her shirt but the fabric was thin enough for me to feel  every part of her anatomy as it brushed up against me. 

"Trish!" I said louder this time as I pulled myself away from her embrace. She moved her leg and dragged it down my torso until it pressed against my morning wood.  

I pulled her leg away just as she opened her eyes to stare at me with sleep laden eyes. She noticed my flushed face and her eyes trailed down my bare chest  to the obvious tenting at the front of my shorts.

"Atrix, I'm so sorry" she breathed  as she quickly  removed herself from my side.

I jumped to my feet and ran into the woods. I could hear a stream nearby and headed towards it.

I took off my shorts and left them on a rock and stepped into the freezing water. The current was strong but I pushed  until I was waist deep.  The cold water helped me calm down. I took several deep breaths and fisted myself as I closed my eyes and pictured myself with Elora. I imagined ramming into her with a force that made her see the stars, I imagined her scratching my back as she drew blood and moaned my name over and over, begging me not to stop.

"Elora" I grunted as ropes of thick white liquid came out of me and got washed away in the fast water. I took deep breaths as my body relaxed  and  I washed my hair and face. Once I was done, I pulled my shorts back on and pushed my hair back  from my face as I headed back to the girls. Trish was sitting close to Elora, huddled next to her bed. She jumped to her feet the moment she saw me emerge from the woods. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. She was openly staring at my body as droplets of water cascaded down my muscles.  I walked past her and bent down next to Elora.

"Good morning princess" I greeted her sleeping form as I placed a kiss on her lips.

Trish squawked awkwardly as I straightened up.

"Atrix, I'm so sorry for the way I behaved earlier" she said, red in the face and eyes wide.

"I told you before I'm not that functional in the morning, I didn't realize that  I was clinging to you so much and making you uncomfortable" She stared at the ground not meeting my eyes and I smelled moisture forming in her eyes.

I gently lifted her chin and gave her a small smile

"It's alright Trish. You have nothing to be ashamed about"

Her eyes brightened at my words.

I leaned down to pick Elora in my arms and bent down for Trish.

"Come on then" I said as I adjusted her leg on my waist. "If all goes well then we will be at the village by nightfall"

The Alpha King and the Vampire PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang