Chapter 14

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The sound of a throat being cleared woke me up. I looked up to see Anita standing at the foot of our mattress wearing a disapproving scowl. Daylight streamed in through the window and she was holding in her hands what appeared to be a neatly folded pile of clothes. I tried to get up but realized that I couldn't as two heads were lying on my bare chest, snoring softly.

Anita walked to the other side of room by the window, leaving me alone to struggle as I tried to extract myself from the mess of limbs.

I lifted Elora's head from my chest and gently placed her back down. The movement caused Trish to groan softly and press herself against my side as she moaned.

I cast a worried glace at Anita who was watching me struggle out of her daughter's hold with narrowed eyes.

I internally thanked the heavens that today was one of those rare days when I had woken up with a flaccid member. I shuddered to think what would happen if Anita had caught me in bed with her daughter and another woman, semi naked and erect.  She probably would have gone ahead and created a curse to drive were wolves insane. I hate to admit it but she scared me a bit. Maybe if I had mother I would have felt the same way about her.

I finally managed to stand up on my two feet and walked over to where Anita stood.

She held out the piles of clothes.

"I brought you some clothes." She said dumping them in my arms.

"Once you're ready, come down to my cottage at the end of the lane. The rest of the council is eager to meet you"

I nodded and she left me alone to change. I glanced at the clothes. The shirt was made up of the same airy fabric that a lot of people in this village seemed to fond of. It was thin and breezy and didn't leave much to the imagination. I pulled my arms through the sleeves and did the single gold button at the front, failing  to understand the concept as the shirt didn't really cover up much. Next, I picked out a pair of trousers from the pile which were thankfully of a much thicker material.

I didn't want to walk around flashing innocent people.

While the shirt was light and airy, the pants felt uncomfortably snug around my hips and thighs. I hoped that the fabric would not give away and I did a few practice jumps just to be sure.

I noticed a wash basin in a corner with a small mirror hanging above. I went over and saw a brand new razor and tooth brush. I touched my face. My stubble had grown out into a thick beard. I grabbed the razor and proceeded to shave the excess hair and afterwards I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Feeling refreshed, I put on a pair of leather shoes and  headed out of the house.

I followed Anita's instructions and ended up at another mud house. This one appeared much bigger than the others.

I softly knocked at the wooden door and it opened, revealing Anita. She seemed satisfied as she took in my appearance. I followed her into a long hallway with windows on either side at the end of which was a dining table with 6 chairs. All of them were occupied save for one at the end and Anita motioned for me to sit there.

There were steaming piles of dishes in front of me. I smelled meat and my mouth started to water.

" As you all know, this is lord Atrix" she announced to the people around me.

 "Lord Atrix, this is the village council" she said waving her hand around the table.

"This here is our head huntsman, Tultul" she pointed at a middle aged man with sharp eyes. "Our head healer, Rina" she pointed at a young woman with bronzed skin who bowed her head at me.

The Alpha King and the Vampire PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora