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Even though it was a three day journey, it took us eight days to get back to the village. The only time we made any progress was when I was fed, satisfied and tucked in Atrix's arms while I slept soundly. He had made it clear after our bond completed he wanted to head back to the village. I couldn't argue with him directly as I shuddered thinking about the punishment I would receive and it made my toes curl. Instead ,I spend every waking moment trying to tire him out to delay the journey even more. I fed off him and made him pleasure me in unimaginable ways, but nothing seemed to waver his resolve. As soon as I was done, he would scoop me in his arms and continue walking and I would begrudgingly fall asleep each time, too tired or too filled up with his blood to put up much of a fight.

I knew the other mate bond was urging him on. I could see signs of exhaustion on his face but he never denied any of my demands . Every time I thought I had finally succeeded in slowing him, I woke up to see myself in his arms as he carried on.

By the afternoon of the eighth day, the trees had started to thin out. I had one last stop with Atrix and by late evening, we had reached the village boundary.

Atrix placed me on my feet as a disheveled looking Trish ran up to us. She threw herself at Atrix, embracing him. She sobbed as her entire body trembled.

"Shh shh I'm here " Atrix cooed at her as he stroked her hair.

"She hasn't been eating or drinking that well since you left. And she's been throwing up for the last two days"

A worried looking Anita came up behind her and informed Atrix.

I saw red as I grabbed Trish's arm and jerked her away from Atrix. She stumbled a bit and was about to fall when Atrix caught her.

"Elora!" He barked at me harshly. I was stunned. He had never spoken to me that way.

"Listen!" he hissed.

I tired to understand what he was saying as his hand travelled down Trish's body and rested on her belly.

"Listen" he repeated softly this time and I heard it. A tiny heart. The whoosh of a small chamber pulsing with life. Both Anita and Trish looked confused.

"She's pregnant." We both said at the same time.

Atrix POV:

"She's pregnant." we both said in unison. My heart soared with joy while Elora watched me with wide eyes. I tapped into her mind, curious, and felt pure wonder.

"We're going to have a baby!" She gasped as she reached forward and gently laid a hand on Trish's belly who was also speechless.

"Our baby!" she breathed as her eyes shone with unshed tears.

It took me a while to remember that vampires hardly have children. For them, a pregnancy is nothing ahort than a miracle

I looked up to see Trish who's eyes were brimming with tears as well with a bright smile on her face.

Anita cleared her throat and Elora backed off, putting her hand awkwardly by her side.

"You need to rest." I said as I took in rTish's pale face and sunken eyes. 

"Come." I said as I led her away to our house. Elora followed us quietly, her eyes wide.

I led Trish to her mattress and lowered her gently when Elora screamed.


Both me and Trish jumped to our feet.

"What is it?" I asked my senses on high alert as I tried to locate the danger.

"This mattress is too low. It could hurt the baby when she gets up. She need to be on a proper bed!" Elora said quickly.

I let out a breath of relief as my shoulders sagged.

Anita pursed her lips, and it looked like she was trying to control her laugh.

"Elora, come here" I patted the space next to me as I lowered Trish onto the mattress.

Elora walked over and sat down next to me and Trish.

"The baby is fine and Trish is fine, she just needs a bit of rest. I can hear their heartbeats, they're both healthy." I reassured her, taking her hand in mine.

"Sitting down or not is not going to hurt them."

"Children are precious." Elora said quietly.

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead

"I know princess" I told her tucking her hair behind her ears.

"You should lie down" she instructed Trish, who was watching us with a fond expression.

"Lie with her and help her relax Atrix" she instructed me "But don't try any of the things you did with me on her. It could hurt the baby."

I cleared my throat loudly as Anita chortled .

"Oh dear! Time for me to go" she turned around to leave. 

"Wait!" Elora called out behind her. She rose up " I'm coming with you." 

And with that, she turned on her heels and left with Trish alone.

I made gentle love to Trish as I rocked into her. Her sweet moans were driving me crazy as she went over. I was still hard but I could see that she was tired so I backed off and held her against me while her breathing levelled out. I laid there for a bit, listening to the sound of my baby's tiny heart as it pushed blood. Were wolf pregnancy was fast, and in 6 or 7 months Trish will be ready to give birth. I stroked her bare stomach, feeling our bond buzz between our naked bodies.

My body was tired, Elora had made sure of that in the past eight days. But even as I laid with Trish in my arms, her body pressed against me and our baby between us, I felt a space.

The same space that I felt when I was with Elora in the forest and as tired as I was, it urged me to move on and reunite with Trish.

I frowned, feeling antsy.

Atrix what's wrong? Elora's voice spoke in my head I can sense that you're annoyed.

I can't sleep I told her sighing.

Is the baby ok? 

I rolled my eyes in my head

Yes Elora the baby is fine!

There was a pause and I thought she had gone away but then

I miss the sound of that little heart beating.

I felt a smile pull on my lips.

Then come in here and listen to it

Really? Elora sounded surprised I don't want Trish to feel uncomfortable.

Trish has slept next to you plenty of times before, I don't think she minds I told her.

A few minutes later, the door to our house opened and Elora tip toed inside. Vampires are naturally light and lithe but she was being extra careful not to wake Trish up.

I gently moved Trish towards the wall to make space as Elora climbed in next to me.

Trish stirred in her sleep and clung to my side. Elora watched her amused

"She's a clingy sleeper" she whispered and we both snickered lightly.

Elora places her head over my chest and suddenly, I felt all the exhaustion that my body had been accumulating for the past one week wash over me. I hardly took one more breath before I was out like a light

The Alpha King and the Vampire PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin