Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up and was surprised to find that it was afternoon. The sun was high up in the sky and I could hear people rushing about the castle in a state of frenzy. Even though the castle walls were built thick to stop our sensitive hearing from being overwhelmed, I realized with a surprise that I could hear as well as I would outside . I quickly cleaned up and a fae came inside to help me get dressed while two more quietly made my bed behind me.

 Just as I got ready, there was a knock on the door. One of the faes opened it  and Nazu came inside.

" How are you feeling Princess?" he asked, his fingers skimming over the hilt of his sword that  was sheathed by his hip. "I feel fine Nazu, thank you." I responded politely. I never felt anything for him even though my father had repeatedly asked me to consider his proposal. 

"I feel terrible for what happened yesterday." He said lowly as he continued to fiddle with his sword. " You were right beside me, I should have seen that mutt coming, I could have stopped him."

"It's alright General, what's done is done."

He looked at me with a glimmer in his eyes. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I fashioned a punishment for that dog that I am sure will please you."

My heart thundered in my chest.

"What did you say?" I asked him, an unknown feeling choking me.

"You know how silver makes them weak right? So I had several silver pegs made and I-"

I didn't stick around to hear the rest of what he had to say. I sped past him, and ran outside into the corridor, a strange fire consuming me with the need to see Atrix.

I knew my vampire was out so I let it take control until I entered the grand hall and that's where I saw him. His shirtless chest was glistening with sweat and his black shorts were ripped in places.

They had used silver pegs to nail his hands and feet to the wall and just as I entered, I saw a vampire plunge a silver dagger down his left thigh just as the others around him cheered and applauded.

Atrix's head was flopping down on his chest but I guess he sensed me because the moment I entered, he looked up. There was no pain on his face, just sadness

"Oh Princess! You shouldn't have come." he said quietly

Just then another vampire plunged a silver dagger in his arm and the momentary distraction caused Atrix to hiss and I felt waves upon waves of pain raking through body. My hands and feet felt like they were on fire as I screamed and scratched at the invisibles pegs on my hands.

"Princess, what has happened!"

"Princess are you ok?"

I heard several concerned voices around me but I couldn't think past the pain to answer them.

"Step aside!" I heard my father's voice and everyone immediately cleared a path. He was down on his feet in a second and peering at my face which was contorted with pain

"Explain!" he growled  to the vampires around him.

"Your highness, she was fine and then suddenly she collapsed and started screaming!"

"We have no idea what has happened!"

Several voices started shouting all at once.

"Father help!" I cried as I tried to scratch at my hands and feet again, drawing blood.

"It's me." I heard Atrix speak in his quiet low voice.

My father looked at him incredulously.

"You have a death wish don't you? Torturing what is mine in my own kingdom!"

The Alpha King and the Vampire PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora