chapter 2

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Atrix above (cuz I love mathius claus T.T)

The second I woke up, I felt an incredible sadness creep inside me.

"My diamond! You're awake!" I heard my father from beside me. He looked relieved as he hurried over to help me sit up.

He sat next to me on the bed and held my hand.

 "How do you feel?" he asked concerned.

I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh no are you still hurt? I will get the doctor!" he said as he quickly rose from the bed but I held his hand.

I don't know what was wrong with me. I didn't feel like myself. It was almost as if another being had taken home inside my body, intertwining with my soul. There was a chorus of loud noises inside my head but the only thing I was sure of was that I needed to see him.

"I want to see him father." I voiced out my need.

I could see visible confusion on my father's face as his eyebrows scrunched.

"Who do you want to see my love? Name him and he shall be at your feet."

My father said as he tried to soothe me

"The wolf" I half whispered, half cried

My father's body stiffened for a mili second before he forced a smile. The change was so abrupt that I would have missed him, but I knew him too well.

"I too would want to face my attacker the moment I get the chance, I'm proud of you my daughter. But not now, you are weak and he is too dangerous to be brought into the castle."

He bent down and kissed my forehead.

" Rest now."

With that he walked away softly closing the door on his way out.

My father was acting strange, that much I was sure of.

I waited for him to walk out of earshot, which was a good five minutes thanks to vampire hearing, before I ripped the sheets off from me and softly padded my way out of the room. I didn't exactly know what I was doing, all I know is I had some invisible force guide me down to the dungeons. I had no idea what I would do when I faced him or what I would say, all I had was an insatiable need to see him. Vampires are generally creatures of instinct. We give in to our carnal desires much quicker than others. We feed when we get hungry, we kill when we get angry, we don't really pause when our vampire side takes over.

I'm sure my irises are red at this point and I'm solely going by instinct.

The moment I reached the entrance to the dungeon, I faintly started to smell rain and pine wood. The enormous pressure on my senses dulled somewhat, as though getting closer to him was satiating the new being within me. My mouth began salivating and I felt my canines elongate as they prepared to feed. the guard at the entrance bowed to me but backed away instantly when he saw my vampire in complete control. I guess he didn't want to be my next meal. He was lucky though, I wasn't in the mood for some demon blood anyway. What I craved was down there somewhere. As I went down the steps, the tantalizing scent began to invade my senses completely until I paused in front of a cell, his cell.

 He was sitting on the floor clad in nothing but leather shorts, the wolfsbane drenched ropes on his thick wrists. His eyes fixed on my face and his thighs bulged as he stood up and silently began to walk towards me. Moonlight illuminated his body, from his handsome face to his black hair that fell into his eyes, down to his wide chest, and thick rope of muscles that flexed with every movement. His body was made for power, and pleasure. He stopped just an inch short of the silver metal bars. I reached forward and grabbed the metal bars, leaning my body forward by instinct.

"F-forgive me my princess!" Someone spoke from beside me.

 "But you should probably keep your distance, this man is extremely dang-" His words were cut short the moment I looked at him. He gulped as he saw my red irises and backed away 

"Apologies." he said while he bowed deeply.

"Get lost demon." I told him in an emotionless voice as I went back to ogling the wolf. I locked eyes with him as he came closer and placed his hands on top of mine on the bar. I hissed as blood pulsed through every single pore in my body at the contact. I felt high as I stuck my face in the bar and took a whiff him. 

I wanted him.

 I was going crazy, I had no idea whether I wanted to eat him or "eat" him, but I had to do something.

He brought a calloused hand forward and caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes at the contact, feeling content. The sadness that had crept into me the moment I had woken up was gone. 

"Who are you ?" I asked him as I opened my eyes and found him staring at me with those deep eyes.

"Atrix." he said in a quiet deep voice that sounded like wind blowing through dark caves.

"Atrix." I tested his name on my tongue which seemed to please him immensely.

"I'm Elora, the princess" I told him while grabbing his hand that was on my cheek. I peppered tiny kisses on his palm until I reached his wrist. The moment I heard the steady thrum of blood inside his veins, I sunk my teeth into it.

Once again I had the strangest feeling of being weightless as everything around me began to dissolve until all I could feel was him, his blood inside my veins, making me feel like I was on top of the world.

Eventually I came back from my high, a bit confused. This post feeding euphoria was the most intense feeling I ever had.

Now that I felt some form of satisfaction, I felt my vampire side slipping away and my more rational side coming up. My eyes were probably back to violet too.

"It's nice to meet you too Princess." Atrix breathed, his eye hooded, probably just as high as I was. The voices in my head had dulled down and the alien within me had probably drifted off.  I dropped his hand and backed up against up from his cell.

 I hurried back up the stairs. He called my name and I felt a pull in my heart but now that I was fed and satisfied, my vampire side was less likely to surface and I ran back up stairs to my room. I locked the door before getting under my sheets.

As much as I wanted to think about what just happened, sleep muddled my mind. 


I called out his name head just as I was about to fall asleep and I think I heard his voice in my head. 

 I'm here princess.

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