Chapter 7

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The walk back to my chambers was tense, Atrix kept his gaze firmly on the ground we walked surrounded by a dozen guards on either side. Just as we reached our door, Atrix paused. He was watching me with blood shot eyes, his jaw tense  as he stood by the door. I could see the defiance in his eyes, he did not want to go in.

"Bring him in." I said to the guards as I entered my chambers. My hand maids stood on alert.

I unclapsed my cloack and threw it  at one as of them

 "Run us a bath." I ordered and plopped down on my luxurious bed as they they fretted about. I heard grunting and struggles as the entire body of the guards dragged Atrix in. I raised my eyebrow as I saw 12 grunting vampires and a small smile played on my lips.

  He's  stubborn.

Once he was inside, I motioned for the guards to leave. My hand maids  stood around the edge of my room, trying to keep their distance from Atrix, who was seething with his wrists bound by the enchanted ropes that prevented him from turning. I walked over to him as I dropped my dress on the way. I stood next to him in nothing but my chemise. He closed his eyes and gulped, refusing to look at me as he breathed rapidly.

I touched his face but he recoiled from my touch.

 "You played me!" his voice broke as his eyes stared at me accusingly.

I felt a pang of pain in my heart again.

 "Yet you still shield me from your pain" I commented.

He gave a crooked smile. 

"My wolf doesn't allow it"

I laid my hands on his hard chest tracing his muscles. His heart sped up, thumping erratically at my touch. I brushed my fingers gently across the cut over his heart. His body had repaired the damage to his heart to preserve his life but the gash over his skin was still bleeding. I leaned forward and ran my tongue over it, lapping up the blood. I was satisfied to see the skin stitching back where my tongue touched it.

Atrix was looking at me with a curious expression now. I proceeded to run my tongue over all of his torso until I had fixed his open wounds. I wiped the blood from my lips and closed my eyes, feeling high.


I called him in my mind, hoping that my plan would work.

His eyes went wide  for a second.


I heard his reply and  breathed a sigh of relief.

Baby are you ok? I'm so sorry. 

I pushed my thought into his head.

But how are you doing this Elora? Atrix sounded confused

 Only fully mated couples can talk through mind.

I read about it, you only need to exchange enough life force with someone to be able to mind linkI took a chance and just took enough of your blood from your wounds.

Atrix still looked confused .

How did you know it would work? And how did you fool the entire council?

We've done it once before Atrix I told him, smiling at him softly.

The night after I fed from you the first time, when I came into my room I called to you in my head and I heard you reply.

He seemed taken aback.

That was real? I thought I was hallucinating...

Oh baby I said sadly as I gently touched his face. 

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