Chapter 15

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I ran back to Trish's house as fast as I could. I broke through the door and heard Elora's groggy voice. She was groaning as the sleep spell was lifted.

I quickly ran to her side and held her body close to mine just as  her muscles started to spasm and she screamed, her eyes red.

"Elora! Baby please" I pleaded with her and tears escaped my eyes. I felt her raw pain  through the bond and it made me dizzy. 

"Listen to my voice!" I pleaded with her  but my words were wasted as she continued to writhe and scream.

I sat there, with her in my embrace and she struggled to break free. Every time I brought my hand up to snap her neck, my wolf whimpered and so I continued to hold her, muttering words of comfort as I tried to absorb some of her pain through our bond.

It was late in the afternoon and Elora was still crying and twitching. My arms hurt from restricting her for so long and my eyes were puffy. My throat felt raw as I spent hours talking to her, trying to soothe her.

The door opened and Anita came inside. She took in my puffy eyes and tired face and I saw pity flash in her eyes.

"Put her out for a bit." she whispered urgently " We may have found a cure."

My heart thundered in my chest. Slowly, I brought up my hand and cracked Elora's spine as she fell limp in my arms once again. The silence pressed against my ear drums and I lowered her on the mattress once again.

"How's Trish?" I asked and just then, the door opened and she walked in.

She looked much healthier and her skin had a glow. The moment our eyes met, she ran over and  collapsed on her knees next to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Oh Atrix" she breathed.  " I'm sorry ! It must have been so hard for you" I sighed and returned her embrace, closing my eyes.

We held each other for a bit before letting go.

Anita walked over to Elora and placed a hand over her head, muttering quietly.

"I placed a sleep spell, but it's not as strong as Trish's." She warned me .

" I am anchoring multiple spells right now so I have very limited power left."

"Tell me about the cure then" I implored

"It's like I said, there is no cure for Negwal. I made sure of that. However, your mate has an advantage that no other vampire has had before, and that is the bond she shares with you, and with that her life force." She said.

"We can use the bond to pull the life force out and put it back inside her body. However, Negwal will simply eat her up again and she will go feral once more. What we need to do is build a wall around so it doesn't end up eating her once again. That is the tricky part."

She glanced up and her daughter and they both seemed to be having a silent conversation.

"You can use my life force to build the wall" I said

"It can not be done" Anita shook her head.

 "You will be the anchor to her. We need someone who will be able to continuously pump magic into her so the wall stays erect."

She paused for a bit, thinking about her next words

" You must mark my daughter" Anita rubbed her face with her hands as she said it." This is the only way. Through you, she will be bonded to your other mate and her magic will flow between the bond."

I waited for either one of them to say they were joking but they both stared back at me with serious faces

"But I already have a mate" I said feeling rather stupid as I mentioned the obvious.

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