❤️ NINE❤️

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I stared at his perfection, the perfection I've yearned to see.

He scratched his head, and stared at the ground. His shy ways shining through.

He is shy alright.

"Hi." Was all I could said. I mentally smack myself. Is that all you can say Rosalyn?

"I..." He stuttered, biting his bottom lip.

My heart was melting. This guy shy ways is making my heart melt.

"I love you." He finished.

"I do too. I do too, Anonymous." I said.

He held out his hands and gestured me to take it. I did. He intertwined his fingers with mine. People stared at us, but it didn't bothered me.

All it matters now is me and him.

This has been the guy I've been loving. This is the guy that saved me. There he is, beside me, holding on to my hand.

Deep inside, I was screaming. I'm holding this hot guy's hand. How is this even possible!? Who knew!?

"Rosalyn?" He asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I stared at the ground, slightly nervous.

"Will you be my girlfriend...?"

"Of course." I smiled, making eye-contact with him.

"Really?" His face filled with surprise and happiness.

I nodded.

He planted a kiss on my forehead, and whispered "I love you."

"I do too."

We sat under a tree, and talked, hands still intertwined.

This is kind of perfect, don't you think? I love it.
CAN I GET A BOYFRIEND NOW? Like relationship goals right there!

Anonymous Letter [EDITED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu