Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) pt.2

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Eddie had told Sam to meet her at the picnic table in the woods, so she did

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Eddie had told Sam to meet her at the picnic table in the woods, so she did. But she didn't have a lot of time. Tomorrow was the pep rally.

"Hey." Eddie spoke. Sam jumped, looking behind her to see him. She'd been waiting twenty minutes. "So uh," He hadn't thought he'd get this far. So what he was going to say to her once she did show up was unplanned. "Do you play D&D?"

She inhaled sharply, looking up at him with a sarcastic smile.

"You're telling me you dragged me out to the middle of the woods behind the school to play a board game with you?" She kept the smile on her face.

"Yeah, well-" He nervously look at her, a smile on his face as well.

"What is it you really need Eddie?"

"Look, if I don't pass Mrs.O'Donald's class this year, I can't graduate. And uh, we sit next to each other. I know that you pass every test in there." He walked over to the other side of the table, sitting down. "Help me, Sam. Please." He joked, holding his hands up in a pleading motion.

"Have you not paid attention? It's calculus, it's not that hard." She furrowed her brows at him.

"No, for me it's not easy."

"So you're telling me you can memorize what all twenty size of those little dice mean but not a one sided study guide?" She cracked a smile, chuckling at the boy.

"Yes. Yes, that is what I'm telling you." He nodded quickly. "Can you help me?"

"Yeah." She thought, nodding. What was the harm? He lived directly across from her, so it wasn't out of her way to drive.

"Thank you Sam! You won't regret it I swear." He smiled, holding his hand out for a hi-five. She looked down, and when she didn't return his hi-five after a few seconds, he hi-fived himself and put his hand back down.

"But do me a favor okay?" She spoke up again, once they were walking to his car. He looked over at her. "Don't talk about this at school, you know my friends talk and I know my mom would really freak if she knew I was talking to you."

"Yeah. Don't worry." Eddie nodded. So now he had to pretend he didn't notice every time she was near him. Great.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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