Henry Bowers (It 2017)

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When you find Henry after he got hit

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When you find Henry after he got hit.

You walked up to Henry's house, looking for Butch's cop car. It was there, but I heard no noise so he was most likely passed out on his chair.

You walk up, the door is open and you walk right in. The television played some children's show, no one was paying attention to.

You walk past, going to the kitchen and looking to see if there was any beverages other than beer. There wasn't. You grab a cup from the cabinet, filling it with water from the sink. You take a sip, even the water here tastes like beer.

You pour it back down the sink, walking down the hall, your hand tracing the wooden panels on the wall. You heard a quiet mumble from Henry's room, and then a sniffle.

Your pace fastened as you reached his room and slowly opened the doorknob trying to be silent.

When you walked in, Henry stood shirtless in front of his desk, his back facing the door.He turns quickly when the door closes, his eyes softening when meeting yours.

"Baby." You breath out and walk to him, as he collapses on your shoulder. He falls into a routine of hiccups and sobs and you try extremely hard not to touch his back. You run your hand through his hair quietly shushing him as he cries.

"It's okay. I'm gonna fix it. It's alright." You repeat over and over, as he slowly calms until all you hear is the occasional sniffle or hiccup.

"Come on babe, let's get you fixed up." You pull him over to the bed as he sits, facing the wall. You walk to the bathroom to get peroxide, cotton balls, and bandages.

"This will be cold, and it's going to feel a little weird, okay?" You ask as you dab the cotton ball in the peroxide.

He nods, and you slowly dab the cotton ball on his back. He winces. I pull back in fear.

"I'm sorry, we'll just bandage them and do this later." You apologize not wanting to hurt him and rush to reach for the bandages.

"No. It's fine, just cold." He whispers.

"Okay. But tell me when to stop if it hurts." You continue to cleanse his wounds, and ended up finishing. You bandage each wound up, the bandages covering almost his entire back.

"We have an extra room." You say as he turns to you, a bit confused. You lived with your brother, who was four, and your parents were never at home. You hadn't seen them in years.

"Huh?" He furrow his eyebrows and looks at the ceiling before looking back at you.

"At my house. It was my old
room, you can put your stuff in there, and I sleep in my parents room, there's a king size?" You offer.

"But what about my dad."

"I have a German Shepard." You laugh, making him slightly chuckle.

"And I know you love my little brother." He smiles at the thought of the sweet brown haired little boy.

"Sure. Let me pack a little and we can go."

Oof. It's really long.💕

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